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A Letter from Guy of Lusignan and Sibylla


Guy de Lusignan
Sibylla of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity of father and son and holy spirit.  Amen.  I Guy of Lusignan noble king of Jerusalem and Sibylla noble queen, my legitimate wife, make known to all who see the present privilege, that we have received a loan of one hundred eleven silver marks from the hospital of St. Mary of the Teutons by the hand of brother Severin, who at that time was hospitaller of said house.  For which hundred and eleven silver marks we gave said house a pledge of one of our towns, which is in the section of Jerusalem near the royal road by which one goes to Ramleh, on such condition that if we do not redeem our said castle within a year and a day, we release our said village to said house in honor of our lord Jesus Christ and blessed virgin Mary and for the salvation of our souls and of our predecessors to the maintenance of the sick and poor, freely and absolutely without any dispute, namely with all its rights and peasants.  Moreover, since I and my wife wish benignly that this be firm and stable and perpetual and that no discord be raised over this after our death, we have made the present privilege to be protected by the strength of our lead seal.  This loan and this pledge was done in the city of Jerusalem in the presence of lord Heraclius, patriarch of Jerusalem, and lord Reynald, prince of Antioch, and lord G. of Arsuro, and lord Gerard of Hatefert, and lord John of Polen, and lord Guy of Gibelet/Jebail, and lord Plivano, lord of Botrun, and Helie of Nazareth and Heinmard of Montgisard, and Joscelin of Semmosach and Walter Ardel and many others.  This was done in the 1186th year from the incarnation of the lord, fifth indiction.  It was done and written by the hand of lord Jocius, priest of the king, 7th day of March. 

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue trinitatis patris et filii et spiritus sancti. Amen. Ego Gwido de Lysanan rex nobilis Ierosolimis et Sibilla nobilis regina, uxor mea legittima, notum facimus omnibus, qui hoc presens privilegium videbunt, quod nos recepimus de accommodo centum et xi marcas argenti de domo hospitalis beate Marie Theotonicorum per manum fratris Severini, qui in illo tempore predicte domus hospitalarius erat. Pro quibus centum et xi marcis argenti prenominate domui dedimus in pignore unum casellum nostrum, qui est in partibus Ierosolimis prope viam regalem, qua vaditur Ramelie, tali vero condictione, quod, si nos casellum nostrum predictum non redimeremus infra annum et diem, casellum nostrum prenominatum predicte domui in honorem domini nostri Iesu Christi et beate Marie virginis et pro salute animarum nostrarum et predecessorum nostrorum ad sustentationem infirmorum et pauperum libere et absolute sine omni occasione acquitamus, vi­delicet cum omnibus iuribus suis et rusticis. Preterea, quia ego et uxor mea benigne volumus, ut hoc firmum sit et stabile et perpetuum et quod nulla post discessum nostrum super hoc discordia moveatur, hoc presens fecimus fieri privilegium et sigilli nostri plumbei muniri robore. Istud accomodum et ista quitatio facta fuit in civitate Ierosolimis in presencia domini Euraclii, patriarche Ierosolimis, et domini Renaldi principis Anthiochie, et domini G. de Arsuro, et domini Gerhardi de Hatefert, et domini Iohannis Poleni, et do­mini Guidonis de Gibelet, et domini Pluviani, domini de Boteron, et Helie de Nasareth et Heinmardi de Mongisardo et Iozelin de Samosac; et Galtherus Ardel et plures alii. Factum est anno ab incarnatione domini mclxxxvi indictione va. Hoc autem factum fuit et scriptum per manum domini Iocii sacerdotis regis vii die marcii.


Historical context:

Guy and Sibylla pledge a certain village to the house of the hospital of St. Mary of the Teutonic knights for a loan of 111 silver marks. 

Printed source:

Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici ex Tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum, ed. Ernestus Strehlke (Berlin:  Weidmann, 1869), 18, #20. RRH #650.



1186, March 7