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A letter from Isabella


Henry of Champagne, king of Jerusalem
Isabella of Jerusalem



Translated letter:

Let it be known to all present and future that I, Henry count palatine of Troy, with the consent and will of lady Isabella, daughter of former king Amalric, for the salvation of our souls and [those] of our ancestors, give and grant in perpetual alms to the house of the hospital of Teutons and the whole barbacan of that house to the brothers, also towers and walls and ditch at the boundary of enclosures which I gave in that barbacan to the house of the hospital of St. John and the brothers, up to the gate of St. Nicholas.  I give and hand over said barbacan with towers and walls and ditches to said hospital of Teutons and the brothers on the condition that they repair and improve [them] as may become necessary to the defence of the city.  That this remain in force, I have confirmed it by my seal and the subscribed witnesses.  Witnesses of this are Balian of Ibelin; Reynaud of Sidon; Hugo of Tiberias; Nicholas of Mally; Terricus of Terremunde; Milo Brebans; Antelmus of Lucca; John Burgundus; Nicholas of Conches; Guy Antelmi.  Enacted at Acre in the 1193rd year from the incarnation of the lord.  Given by the hand of lord Joscius, archbishop of Tyre, royal chancellors.  Note of Ralph. 

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus presentibus et futuris, quod ego Henricus Trecensis comes palatinus assensu et voluntate domine Ysabellis, quondam regis Amalrici filie, pro salute animarum nostrarum et antecessorum nostrorum dono et in perpetuam helemosinam concedo domui hospitalis Theutonicorum et eiusdem domus fratribus totam barbacanam, turres quoque et muros et fossatum a meta propritie, quam in ipsa barbacana domui hospitalis sancti Iohannis et fratribus dedi, usque portam sancti Nicholay. Ea tamen conditione predictam barbaca­nam cum turribus et muris et fossatis iam dicto hospitali Theutonicorum et fratribus dono et trado, ut ea repparent et meliorent, prout municioni civitatis necesse fuerit. Quod ut ratum permaneat, sigillo meo et testibus subscriptis confirmavi. Huius rei testes sunt Balianus de Ybelyno; Renaudus Sydonis; Hugo Tyberiadis; Nicholaus deMally; Terricus de Terremunde; Milo Brebanz; Antelmus de Lucha; Iohannes Burgundus; Nicholaus de Chonchis; Guido Antelmi. Actum Accon anno ab incarnatione domini m° c° xc° iii°. Datum per manus domini Ioscii Tyrensis archiepiscopi, regni cancellarii. Nota Radulfi.

Historical context:

Henry, with the consent of Isabella, gives  the brothers of the house of the hospital of Teutons the barbacan, towers, walls, and ditch/moat of Acre near the gate of St. Nicholas.

Printed source:

Tabulae Ordinis Theutonici:  Ex tabularii Regii Berolinensis Codice Potissimum, ed. Ernestus Strehlke (Berlin:  Weidman, 1869), 24-5 #28.
