A letter from Raymond and Hodierna
Hodierna of JerusalemRaymond, count of Tripoli
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name of the holy and individual Trinity of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit, amen.
Since memory of this world is fleeting and its state cannot always be [as it is], therefore that present and future men of the land of Tripoli may have true and full notice of those things that were done before us, it is useful and worthy to commend them to memory by writing so that if perhaps dissension should arise in something after the course of time has elapsed, it may be notified/cleared up by the notice of writing. Therefore I Raymond, by the grace of God count of Tripoli, and Hodierna, countess of Tripoli, and Raymond, our son, wish to have it known and retained for memory in this charter to the present and future, that lord Vulgrin, canon of the Most Holy Sepulchre, bought certain houses in our city from William of Sira for 81 besants, with the consent and benevolence of us and our barons, which for the remediation of our souls and our relatives’, we approve and grant to the church of the Most Holy Sepulchre and the canons serving God in that place, in good faith without [evil] intent. Now finally for love of lord Vulgrin we similarly give and grant a certain fruit of the land from our tambulo [stabulo B] dwelling(?) and the arch of the tower to the church and canons of the Most Holy Sepulchre. And that this privilege be firm and let it remain confirmed by the impression of our seal.
Witnesses of this privilege are: Rainier, constable, with his mother; Ralph Caslan, brother of the Temple of Solomon; Peter of Podio Laurentii; William Rainoard; and his son Saxus; and his brother Raymond; Goscelin of Calvo Monte; Robert Silvii; Pons of Syria; Brunellus, butler; Gerald Isnelli; Stephen, monk; Pons Giraldi; Hermengard; Pellicius; Albert, chamberlain; William, chaplain of the countess; Otran, chancellor who drew up this charter.
This charter was done in the year 1143 from the incarnation of the Lord, indiction 6. Besides this, we approve and grant that arch which lord Vulgrin bought from Guido to the Lord’s Sepulchre and the canons serving God in that place to be had and held by perpetual right for the remediation of our souls in good faith without evil intent.
Original letter:
In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, amen.
Quoniam memoria istius seculi labilis est, nec eius status semperesse potest, ob hoc illarum rerum, que ante nos aguntur, homines presentes et futuri Tripolitane terre veram et plenam noticiam habeant, dignum et utile est ea scripto memorie commendare, quatinus, si forte post elapsa temporum curricula in aliquo dissensio evenerit, notificatione scripture notificetur. Igitur ego Raimundus, Dei gratia comes Tripolitanus, et Hodierna, comitissa Tripolitana, et Raimundus, filius noster, notum volumus haberi ac memoriter in hac carta retineri omnibus hominibus, presentibus et futuris, quod dominus Wlgrinus, Sanctissimi Sepulcri canonicus, domos quasdam emit in civitate nostra de Willelmo de Sira lxxxi bisanciis, assensu et benivolentia nostra et baronum nostrorum, quas pro remedio animarum nostrarum et parentum nostrorum ecclesie Sanctissimi Sepulcri et canonicis in eodem loco Deo servientibus laudamus et concedimus bona fide sine [malo] ingenio. Nunc demum pro amore domini Wlgrini quoddam fructum terre de tambulo[stabulo B] nostro et voltura turris ecclesie Sanctissimi Sepulcri et canonicis similiter donamus et concedimus pro remedio animarum nostrarum. Et ut firmum sit hoc privilegium, impressione sigilli nostri permaneat confirmatum. Huius autem privilegii existunt testes:
Rainerius, constabularius, cum matre sua. Radulfus Caslan, frater Templi Salomonis. Petrus de Podio Laurentii. Willelmus Rainoardi. Et filius eius, Saxus. Et frater eius, Raimundus. Goscelinus de Calvo Monte. Robertus Silvii. Pontius de Sira. Brunellus, dapifer. Giraldus Isnelli. Stephanus, monacus. Pontius Giraldi. Hermengardus. Pellicius. Albertus, camerarius. Willelmus, capellanus comitisse. Otrannus, cancellarius, qui hanc cartam dictavit.
Hec est facta carta anno ab incarnatione Domini MCXLIII, indictione VI.
Preter hoc autem voltam illam, quam domnus Wlgrinus de Guidone emit, Sepulcro Domini et canonicis in eodem loco Deo servientibus bona fide sine malo ingenio pro remedio animarum nostrarum laudamus et concedimus iure perpetuo habendum et tenendum.
Historical context:
The count and countess confirm and approve a purchase of certain houses by a canon for the church of the Holy Sepulchre, and grant some fruit from their land. They also approve a purchase of an arch by the same canon.
Printed source:
Cartulaire de l’eglise du Saint Sepulcre de Jerusalem, ed. Eugene de Roziere (Paris: L’Imprimerie Nationale, 1849),187-89, #95.