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A letter from Marie


Marie of Courtenay


Ubaldo of Pisa

Translated letter:

Maria, empress by the grace of God, bearer [regent] of the Constantinopolitan empire, to the most serene lord Ubaldo, the power and commune of the Pisans of Pisa, greetings and love.

Since it is worthy, just and equally honorable that one should give thanks and favors to whomever one has received conferred benefits and honors from, we have thanked your love in all the ways we can for the service and honor which the noble man lord Jacob Scarlate, your viscount of Pisans in Constantinople did not cease to expend on us and also on our brother the king of illustrious memory formerly emperor of Constantinople, and his predecessors, as a prudent and discreet man, with his whole community, expending and managing in every way that might look to our free advantage and honor.  Because of his service, we have determined to confirm all his privileges, that is of the community of Pisans, which they obtained from that same brother of ours, as well as from our and his predecessors; wishing and promising to bestow whatever we could on them of good service and honor.  Therefore we have determined to ask your devotion and nobility that it please you to send your gratulatory letters to said viscount lord Jacob:  and that you bestow on him and his heirs honor and favor for such loyalty, so that his feelings towards us and the empire may increase and by their increase the proposed good be doubled, since nothing could be more useful or necessary to us and the empire; and that it please you to send those gratulatory letters to him and to the commune more swiftly.

Dated at Constantinople, the ides of February.

Original letter:

Maria, Dei gratia imperatrix , baiula imperii Constantinopolitani, serenissimo domino Ubaudo, potestati, et communi Pisanorum Pise, salutem et dilectionem.

Cum dignum, iustum sit pariter et honestum, ut quilibet de collatis sibi beneficiis et honoribus ei a quo recipit grates et gratias referre debeat, nos dilectionem vestram regratiandam duximus modis omnibus quibus possumus de servitio et honore, que nobis vir nobilis dominus Iacobus Scarlate, vicecomes vester Pisanorum in Constantinopoli, nec non et fratri nostro r[egi] recordationis inclite , quondam imperatori Constantinopolitano, ac eius predecessoribus, tanquam vir providus et discretus, cum toto comuni suo impendere non cessavit, impendendo et procurando.modis omnibus, que ad nostrum liberum commodum respicerent et honorem. Propter cuius servitium omnia sua, videlicet comunitatis Pisanorum, privilegia, que tam ab ipso fratre nostro , quam a predecessoribus [nostris et suis] obtinuerant, duximus confirmanda; volentes et promittentes impendere quicquid potuerimus ipsis boni [serv]itii et honoris. Ideoque devotionem et nobilitatem vestram rogandam duximus, quatinus dicto domino Iacobo vicecomiti vestras litteras regratiatorias vobis placeat destinare: ac ipsi et eius heredibus pro tanta fidelitate honorem et commodum impendatis, in tantum ut suus erga nos et imperium augeatur animus, et augendo bene propositum duplicetur, cum nullus utilior aut necessarior nobis et imperio esse possit; et illas vestras litteras regratiatorias ei vobis pla­ceat cicius destinare et communi.

Datum Constantinopoli, idus februarii.

Historical context:

As regent, Marie confirms honors and privileges to the Pisans within the eastern empire for services rendered to her and her deceased brother, Robert by the Pisan Jacob Scarlate.

Printed source:

Archives de l’Orient Latin (Paris:  Societe de l’Orient Latin, 1884), 2. 256-57.

