A letter from Rudolph
Rudolph, king of BurgundyReceiver
Ermengarde of SavoyTranslated letter:
In the name of the holy and individual trinity, Rudolph king by the mercy of God. Let it be known to all those living and yet to be born how, how I, drawn by spousal love and counseled by the advice of primates of my kingdom, give to my most beloved spouse Ermengarde the city Aix, royal seat, with the tenants of that city, our property, as it is inhabited by them, and the earth cultivated by them. And I give to her Annecy my revenue (fiscum), Rue with its appurtenances and servants and handmaids. And I give her Font, the royal castle with its appendices and such part of the town of Evonant as Henry is known to have there with its servants and handmaids and all its appurtenances. And I give her Neuchatel the most royal seat with its servants and handmaids and all its appurtenances. And I give her Auvernier with its servants and handmaids and all its appurtenances. And I give her St. Blaise with all its appurtenances, servants, and handmaids. Let her have the above named things with the power of holding, giving, selling, or whatever it please her to do with them. That these things done by us be believed and not violated by our successors, we have strenthened this by our hand and ordered it to be signed with our seal. Sign of lord Rudolph, most noble king (monogram). Seal affixed to the membrane. I, chancellor Paldolf, inspected it. Given 8th kalends of May, Monday xvii May, in the 1011th year from the incarnation of the Lord, in the 18th year of the reign of lord king Rudolph. Enacted at Aix.
Original letter:
ln nomine sancte et indiuidue trinitatis Roudolfus dei clementia rex. notum sit omnibus natis et nascendis qualiter coniugali amore attractus primatumque regni mei consilio ammonitus dono dilectissime sponse mee irmengardi aquis villam sedem regalem . cum colonis eiusdem ville nostre proprietatis sicut ab eis inhabitatur et terra ab eis escolitur. et do ei anassiacum fiscum meum rouda cum appendiciis suis et seruis et ancillis . et do ei font regale castellum cum appendiciis suis et talem partem ville euonant qualem heinricus ibi visus est habere cum seruis et ancillis et omnibus appendiciis . et dono ei nouum castellum regalissimam sedem cum seruis et ancillis et omnibus appendiciis . et dono ei auerniacum cum seruis et ancillis et omnibus appendiciis.et dono ei arinis cum omnibus pertinenciis suis et seruis et ancillis.. habeat ergo supranominatas res sub potestate habendi donandi vendendi vel quidquid ipsi placet inde faciendi . ut hec a nobis facta credantur et a posteris nostris non infringantur manu nostra roborauimus et sigillo nostro iussimus insigniri . Sign. domui Roudulfi (monogramma) Regis nobillimi Sigill. + membranæ affixum. Paldolfus cancellarius recognoui. Data viii Kal maias. luna xvii ma. anno ab incarnatione domini M. xi regnante domno Roudolfo rege anno xviii mo . actum aquis.
Historical context:
The king endows Ermengarde with several cities and their inhabitants.
Manuscript source:
Tab. Cam. Comp. Gratianopolit.
Printed source:
L. Cibrario, Documenti, sigilli e monete appartenenti alla storia della monarchia di Savoia … (Torino: Stamperia Reale, 1833), 17-18. Summarized in Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin: Fratres Bocca, 1889), 11, #33.