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A letter from Ermengarde


Ermengarde of Savoy



Translated letter:

To the very holy church of God of Cluny, dedicated In honor of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul and other saints, where the lord Odilo is known to preside as abbot.  I Ermengarde, queen, thinking about the mercy of God, for the redemption of my soul and of my former lord Rudolph resting in Christ, also of my father and mother and my brothers and other relatives of mine ... the will came to me that I grant something from my own things to that place [and] the monks serving God there:  which I have done.  And so I give through my advocate, count Umberto, two properties in the district of Geneva, one of those lying  in the town of Sillingy,* the other in the town of Cimilatis, with its other appurtenances, etc.

Original letter:

Sacrosante dei ecclesie cluniensi. in honore beatorum  Apostolorum Petri et Pauli dicatæ ceterorum que Sanctorum. ubi dominus odilo abbas præesse videtur. Ego Ermengardis regina cogitans de dei misericordia. pro remedio animæ meæ. siue senioris mei Rotdulfi olim in christo quiescentis. nec non patris et matris meæ. seu fratrum meorum. et cæterorum propinquorum. meorum . . . . . . . venit mihi voluntas. ut aliquid de propriis rebus meis ad ipsum locum monachis ibidem deo famulantibus concederem: quod ita et feci. Dono itaque per aduocatum meum comitem Hubertum mansos duos in pago Geneuense unum iacentem ex illis in villa Filingiaco alium vero in villa Cimilatis cum aliis pertinentiis etc.  

Historical context:

 The queen makes a gift to Cluny for the souls of her husband and parents.  

Scholarly notes:

* Carutti notes that de Rivaz wrote  Silingiaco and translated it as Sillingy, a town northwest of Annecy.

Manuscript source:

Cibrario et Promis. Doc. p.102.

Printed source:

L. Cibrario,  Documenti, sigilli e monete appartenenti alla storia della monarchia di Savoia … (Torino:  Stamperia Reale, 1833), 102.  Summarized in Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin:  Fratres Bocca, 1889), 32-33, #91.


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