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A letter from Ermengarde


Ermengarde of Savoy



Translated letter:

In the name of Christ, I Ermengarde queen give to the monastery of St. André en Bas, for the remedy of my soul, something from the heredity, that is a vineyard in the town of St. John in Albigny, in the presence of the abbot Ither; and this gift which I now give and whatever I have given to said monastery, I confirm and strengthen and set as witnesses heaven and earth to all rulers who might attempt to bring a charge against the monks.  Sign of the queen, with the testimony of Leodegar archbishop and Artald provost and Wigo decan.  Sign of Richard. Sign of Balcher.  And that vineyard which Folcher held from me, I give similarly to St. Andrew and confirm and approve it, with the testimony of the aforementioned witnesses.

Original letter:

In Christi nomine, ego Ermengardis regina dono monasterio Sancti Andree subteriori, pro remedio anime mee, aliquid de hereditate, hoc est vineam unam in villa Sancti Johannis in Albiniaco, sub presentia abbatis Iterii; & hoc donum quod nunc dono & quecumque dedi predicto monasterio, confirmo & corroboro & testes oppono rectoribus celum & terram omnibus qui calumpniam inferre monachis temptaverint.  Signum regine, sub testimonio Leodegarii archiepiscopi & Artaldi prepositi & Guigonis decani.  Signum Richardi.  Signum Balcherii. Et illam vineam quam Folcherius de me tenebat, similiter dono sancto Andree & confirmo & laudo, sub testimonio supradictorum testium.

Historical context:

The queen gives two vineyards to the monastery of St. Andrew.

Printed source:

Chartularium monasterii St. Andreae inferior Viennae Ordinis Sancti Benedicti, ed. C.U.J. Chevalier (Lyon:  N. Savigné, 1869), 172, #228.  Summarized in Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin:  Fratres Bocca, 1889), 33, #92.