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A letter from Marguerite


Marguerite of Geneva
Thomas of Savoy



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity, in the year of the Lord 1221, ninth indiction sixth kalends of January, namely on the day of St. John the Evangelist, in the presence of the witnesses inscribed below, Lord Thomas, count of Maurienne and marquis in Italy, and Lady countess Marguerite, his wife, and their sons Amedeus and Humbert, for the remedy of their souls and those of their ancestors, made a pure donation, unmixed and simple, as can be better understood, an investiture into the hand of Lord Henry, at that time provost of Mont Cenis, who received it in his name and that of all his successors, in perpetuity to the House of that Hospital of Mont Cenis, of the chantry of that Lord Count and all its rents and incomes pertaining to that chantry, wherever they may be and of whatever they may consist, from the “Pale” of Boniface below towards Italy, giving over to that provost, who received it in his name and that of all his successors, possession of that vacant chantry invested in such a way that he and his successors in perpetuity should possss that chantry with all its appurtenances without disturbance or harm from any person, peacefully in perpetuity, and use it quietly and enjoy it, and receive all its fruits and rents peacefully, without the opposition of any person for their own use and directing them to those serving at said Hospital of Mont Cenis.  And this donation the count as well as the countess, and their above-named sons, promised to observe by firm stipulation to endure perpetually; so that they will not distress or attempt to distress that donation neither for theselves nor for any subject person, by any attempted trick:  and with that stipulation supported, they promised to maintain and defend perpetually the said chantry to the said Hospital of Mont Cenis; and to the greater stability of this donation, lest anyone of any of their successors might  try to disturb it in the future by audacious daring, they have declared by the appending of their seals the strengthening of the present charter.
Enacted in the Palace of Susa in the chamber of the Lord Count, with requested witnesses Boniface, abbot of Cluny, William, Cluniac monk of Erlino, Peter of Amasino, John of Blanchard, Peter of Touvet, Ralph of Chambéry, John, the count’s scribe, Peter, priest and canon of Mont Cenis, I Conrad, notary of the imperial court was there and wrote.

Original letter:

In nomine sanctae & individuae Trinitatis, anno Domini M.CC.XXI. indictione nona, sexto calendas januarii, die videlicet sancti Joannis Evangelistae, praesentibus infra scriptis testibus, Dominus Thomas Comes Maurianensis, & in Italia Marchio, & Domina Margareta Comitissa Uxor ejus, filiique eorum Amedeus & Humbertus, pro remedio animarum suarum & antecessorum suorum, Donationem puram, meram & Simplicem, prout sanius intelligi potest, investituram fecerunt, in manu Domini Henrici, tunc temporis Praepositi Montiscenisii recipientis nomine suo & omnium successorum suorum, in perpetuum ad ipsius Domus Hospitalis Montiscenisii, de Capellania ipsius Domini Comitis, & de omnibus redditibus, & obventionibus eidem Capellaniae pertinentibus, ubicumque sint, & in quibuscumque consistant, a Pale Bonizionis infra versus Italiam, tradentes eidem Praeposito recipienti nomine suo & omnium successorum suorum, ejusdem Capellaniae possessionem vacuam investitam mediante, ut ipse, & ejus in perpetuum successores, eandem Capellaniam cum omnibus eidem pertinentibus sine inquietatione & molestatione alicujus personae, perpetuo pacifice possideat, & quiete utatur & fruatur, fructus ejusdem & redditus universos pacifice percipiat, sine alicujus personae contradictione in usus proprios & praefato Hospitali Montiscenisii servientium redigendos:  & hanc donationem tam Comes, quam Comitissa, quam filii eorum supradicti, firmam observare per stipulationem promiserunt perpetuis temporibus duraturam; ita quod nec per se, nec per aliquam subjectam personam, eandem donationem irritabunt, & irritare attentabunt, aliquo ingenio exquisito:  & eadem stipulatione subnixa, Capellaniam praedictam praefato Hospitali Montiscenisii, manutenere & defendere perpetuo promiserunt; & ad majorem hujus donationis firmitatem, ne eam aliquis, vel aliqui successorum eorum valerent in posterum ausu temerario irritare, sigillorum suorum appenditione censuerunt praesentem cartulam roborandam.
Actum in Palatio Sicusino in Camera Domini Comitis, Testes rogati Bonifacius Abbas Clusinus, VVllielmus de Erlino Monacus Clusinus, Petrus de Amasino, Joannes Blanchardi, Petrus de Toueto, Rad. De Camberiaco, Joannes Scriptor Comitis, Petrus Presbyter & Canonicus Montiscenisii, ego Conradus Imperialis Aulae Notarius interfui & scripsi.

Historical context:

The count and countess and their two eldest sons make a donation to the Hospital of Mont Cenis.

Printed source:

Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye  v.2 Preuves, p.53.
