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A letter from Marguerite


Marguerite of Geneva



Translated letter:

Let all who will see the present letters know that I, M[arguerite], countess of Maurienne, wife of Thomas, count of Maurienne and marquis of Italy, for the redemption of my soul, give to the Carthusian brothers the property which Peter of Garner de Morgi holds, whose rent the prior of Les Eschelles receives, who is obliged to pay thirty sous each year to the Carthusian brothers on the feast of St. Nicholas, from which thirty sous the Carthusian brothers will provide [a mass?] that on said feast, as long as I live, and after my death, on the day of my anniversary there will be the aforementioned provision.  In said property, however, I retain absolutely nothing for myself or my successors, but confer it with full jurisdiction of dominion with devout and happy will to do said alms:  that this my alms may remain always inviolable, at my request lord Thomas, my husband, count of Maurienne, and marquis of Italy, approved my donation, confirmed it and promised himself as defender against all disturbance, and my sons Amedeus and Aymon approved and confirmed it and moreover, swore, touching the holy gospels, that they would keep it in force for all time and promised themselves as defenders against any disturbers:  to the greater security and stability of this alms, I Thomas, count of Maurienne and marquis of Italy, have strengthened the present charter with the protection of my seal.  And I, M[arguerite], countess of Maurienne have ordered it fortified with my seal, and we, Amadeus and Aymon, brothers, and sons of the lord Thomas, count, and lady M[arguerite] countess, have had our seals affixed  to the  present charter.  Enacted in the castle of Les Eschelles, in the year of grace 1227 in the month of December, with pope Gregory sitting in the City and Frederic, always august, ruling as Roman emperor.

Original letter:

Noverint universi praesentes literas inspecturi, quod Ego M. Comitissa Maurianensis, Uxor Thomae Comitis Maurianensis, & Marchionis Italiae, pro redemptione animae mee, Dono Fratribus Carthusiae mansum, quem tenet Petrus Garneri de Morgi, cuius redditus percipiet Prior de Scalis, qui se obligat ad solvendos triginta solidos singulis annis Fratribus Carthusiae, in festo sancti Nicolai, de quibus triginta solidis procurabuntur Fratres Carthusiae quoad vixero in dicto festo, & post decessum meum, in die anniversarij mei fiet procuratio praetaxata.  In dicto autem Manso, nihil omnino retineo mihi, vel successoribus meis, sed pleno iure Domini, ipsum ad dictam eleemosinam faciendam, devota, & hilari confero voluntate:  Ut autem haec mea eleemosina semper debeat inviolabiliter permanere, rogatu meo Dominus Thomas Maritus meus, Comes Maurianne, & Marchio Italiae, dictam meam Donationem laudavit, confirmavit, & contra omnem inquietatorem se defensorem promisit, Hanc Filij mei Amedeus, & Aymo laudaverunt, & confirmaverunt, & insuper, tactis sacrosanctis Evangelijs, se omni tempore ratam habituros iuraverunt, & contra omnes inquietatores se defensores fore promiserunt:  Ad maiorem autem huius eleemosinae securitatem, & firmitatem, Ego Thomas Comes Mauriannae, & Marchio Italiae, praesentem cartam sigilli mei munimine roboravi.  Et Ego M. Comitissa Mauriannae meo sigillo muniri praecepi, & Nos Amedeus & Aymo, Fratres, Domini Thomae Comitis & Dominae M. Comitissae Filii, sigilla nostra praesenti cartae fecimus apponi.  Acta sunt haec in castro de Scalis, anno gratiae MCCXXVII mense Decembri, Sedente in Urbe Gregorio Papa, Regnante Frederico Roman. Imperatore semper Augusto.  

Historical context:

The countess donates a property to Carthusian brothers for which her tenant will pay them and for that payment she expects an annual service from them, presumably a mass.

Printed source:

Samuel Guichenon, L’Histoire Généalogique de la maison royale de Savoye  v.2 Preuves, p.56.
