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A letter from Adelaide


Adelaide of Turin and Susa



Translated letter:

I Peter notary of the imperial court, saw the privilege below, read it and, neither adding nor removing anything, except perhaps a letter or syllable, transcribed it and put my sign on it.  Adelaide, countess, daughter of the late lord Manfred of illustrious memory, to the venerable priest Gargano and his successors to be rightly placed in the mastery of that chapel in perpetuity.  I heard from the divine page:  give alms and behold all the world is yours and as fire is extinguished by water, so the rust/mold of sin is without doubt wiped out by alms.  Admonished by these words of the Lord, I countess Adelaide, hope my sins will be wiped out and that the filth of my guilt can be most surely  cleansed before the eyes of divine majesty.  Therefore with this intention, I give my chapel dedicated to God in honor of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary, mother of God and St. John the evangelist, as my father, lord Manfred, freely disposed it to the service of God for his salvation and that of his [people] , so in that tenor and mode, I  give and confirm the giving in perpetuity by the authority of the present writing.  The chapel namely that is known to be situated on a hill towards the east beneath my town called Revello at the foot of the mountains, is secured on high on the mountain called Monbrac.  In this chapel indeed, my father and I, after his death, decreed seven priests to serve perpetually for the mercy of our souls and those of our [people], for which work and necessary expenses we have given the the whole tithe of our property and of the whole territory of Revello completely to that place, namely the tithe of our male servants and handmaids, mountains, plains, fields, vineyards, meadows and woods and all lands, namely cultivated and uncultivated of this division; the house of said mother of God will have the usage of lordship and the annual tribute in all things, as it is the custom for the town of Revello to take the tributes and usages of lordship each year in its land.  The inhabitants of this house will thus give at the birth of God annually the shoulders of pigs, breads, wine, grain, bowls and cups; at the harvest, they will give the money owed for sheep* and will dry the meadows and turn the hay, and bring hay for the roofs, harvests to the threshing floor,  grain to the store-house, as owed.  And with the approval and consent of the church of Turin, the whole tithe of the territory of Revello and the boundaries adjacent to it which my father acquired from it, he gave the share of benefit of this division with my consent to this chapel perpetually, that he also disposed to have with other tithes which we designate by name below.  He wished also that the house have a fifth of the labor of its people and a third of the wine.  When, then, the fifth is received, the inhabitants will give breads and chickens and money to the collector of the fifth, no laborer ought to divide the fifth nor the third of wine from his own part, nor to remove harvest from the field, nor wine from the press without proper leave from the lord.  Also they will cut the poles and stakes to erect and support the vines of the house which they enclose and will gather them as there is need and harvest and carry the harvest to the wine-press and the wine to the barrels. This house will also seed the lands in its possession as necessary and they will till it.  When the chestnuts are harvested, they will give the owed chestnuts and wheat, as customary in that place.  At the beginning of winter, they will give it torches to light and wood to heat.  If indeed it should happen that the houses or the church of this place be broken or destroyed for some time, their men will raise them, rebuild, cover what is uncovered and shingle as necessary to make and renew their covering, will give annually and bring there rightly.  All these debts, the men of this church will pay it annually, according to what each holds from it more or less.  Who possesses more will do more service according to what the master and minister of the place will order, not privately nor with craft to diminish the benefit of the church, but soundly and with common counsel, so that the honor and stability of the place is never diminished, but as the town Revello has the dominion and power over its things and men, so freely this chapel may have dominion and power always within all its boundaries. Also with my consent, my father gave this chapel of his the whole tithe of all those things which are carried into the castle of Revello to be eaten, namely of bread, wine, meats of wild and domestic beasts, the owed shoulders, birds and quarters of venery, lambs,  cheeses, chickens, eggs, fish, and all others things brought into the castle for eating.  It also pleased us that said tithe be paid perpetually to this chapel to which we have given the little inner chapels of the castle to celebrate the divine office in them and to minister penance and the eucharist to those living in the castle.  We have also given to this place and to those serving God there, every tithe of our whole worked property in the territory of Revello as is read above and the whole tithe of all our beasts in that territory, that is horses, cattle, oxen, all cows, goats and pigs, and every tithe of the whole forest of Staffarda, that is the tree tithe, a tenth of the animals caught there, a pelt tithe, and a tenth of the fuits of all the lands which are cleared and tilled there for cultivation, and moreover we have granted to it for all time to have the right of taking from this forest whatever it needs, nor may anyone ever presume to confiscate [anything] from that household.  Indeed at the time of collecting acorns there, whoever wished may designate a part for himself to collect acorns before any other people.  Among other things, my father and I determined, that it not be permitted to any person of our heirs or successors to have in perpetuity over this house or all its possessions or to seek an imperial “fodrum” (prerogative), food, housing, public proclamations, forfeits (foresterias), an oven, or straw litter (paleam), no blacksmithing for horses, no taking oxen or carts for the military, no extortion of anything else from them, certainly not the county suits (placita), namely jealousy, (zelotopiam), homicide and perjuries of people, for evils are usually multiple, when one retains pleas/suits of this kind in donated benefices, by the mental malice of a successor, they try to annul the benefits of their predecessor in those suits; therefore we determined to favor that house to which comital suits are due without all reservation, so that it may always bring suit and castigate its people as it will.  Moreover in confirmation of the above and of this writing with that freedom with which they were given, I Adelaide for the salvation of me and mine, grant two properties to this my chapel with perpetual right, one at Sanfronte, the other in Villanova, namely that which the late son of viscount Aribert possessed, and the whole land between the two rivers, Po and Bronda under the road from the ford of the Po to Brondello, the road I say that is against the church of St. Mary of Paesana.**  Therefore all these which are said above, as they were my father’s allod and mine, so we gave as an allod with perpetual right to this place of the mother of God.  My father divested and disinherited himself and all his heirs and successors completely from all these prescriptions and invested and bequeathed this place and those serving God there.  Similarly, I divest and disinherit myself and all my heirs and successors from all those, and invest and bequeath this place and those serving God there.  That my heir or the lord of the castle of Revello defend and maintain this chapel faithfully and willingly for all time, I grant this to him that if perhaps one of his men, rising up in pride, should attempt to oppose him and did not wish to obey his will as reason compelled, if the thing progressed so far that the master of the church made a complaint to the lord of Revello, then justice will be rendered fully by that lord to the church on the malefactor and the master and lord will take common counsel about his things and enforce it, since the lord master will have half the punishment against his rebel and the master of the church will retain the other half for himself.  Thus to you, priest Gargano, and your successors master of this church, I have ordered my chaplaincy and that of my heirs from the river Tanaro through all of Auriate to the foot of the mountains, that I favored and commended to memory perpetually by writing and while you remain in the court we order the necessities to be fully administered by it to you.  When we find it necessary to send you to carry out missions and transact negotiations, you will be so honorably equipped from our things that those things for which you are sent can be honorably done.  If, however, there were military expeditions in the church, and they have need of our service there, you may take it on.  So I say that the church is not in any way oppressed. For I do not wish that any of my successors enjoy the things and service temporally so that our conferred benefits are diminished, whence the hoped for mercy to your souls be withdrawn by God:  nor should it be omitted that since the house will have these justices for all time and the pleas of its people without any accusation or trouble, and how often the people sell the lands which they hold from it, the house will have the third part of the price of sale.  If therefore any of my successors or possessors of the town of Revello or any other spirit filled with the devil, should presume to take away, diminish, or boldly trouble anything of all those which are granted to this chapel by [my] writing, and did not wish to reverse the evil of their deeds, let him know he has thoroughly offended my inheritance, and let him have experience always of my judgment and its memory I pray God that he will swiftly perish from the earth.  Anyone, indeed, who protects it in its state and stability, will be my legitimate heir and may he have the joy of Paradise that never ends.

Witnesses of this were countess Adelaide, viscount Anselm, Quosa of Racunis (Racconigi?), Guido Marencus, Bernard townsman, Adam his brother, Ot-Oca, viscount of Baratonia, Bruno, Henry, Albert of Venasca, Silvo, W. Unguer, Ot of Moroz, P. of Venator, Mascher of Racunis (Racconigi?), Bruno Scoto scribe, by whose hand this charter of Revello was given/dated in the one thousand seventy fifth year of the incarnation of the Lord, thirteenth indiction, in the month of May, Thursday (fifth feria), third luna, with Henry ruling as august emperor of the Romans.  Individual witnesses made these signs with their own hands.  I, Bruno, palatine notary, wrote it.  In peace be all which it possesses, amen. 

Original letter:

Ego Petrus imperialis aulae notarius infrascriptum privilegium vidi, legi et nihil addens vel diminuens, praeter fortasse literam vel syllabam, transcripsi et signum meum apposui. Adalaida comitissa filia quondam d. Manfredi inclitae, memoriae marchionis Gargano venerabili presbytero et successoribus eius in magisterio capellensis recte locandis in perpetuum. Audivi in divina pagina: date elemosinam et ecce omnia munda sunt vobis et veluti extinguitur ignis aqua, sic nimirum eleemosina peccati rubigo deletur. His monita verbis Dominicis, ego Adalaida comitissa eleemosinis peccata mea deleri culparumque mearum sordibus me posse mundari coram oculis divinae Maiestatis certissime spero. Hac igitur intentione capellam meam Deo dicatam in honore beatae et gloriosae Virginis Mariae genitricis Dei et sancti Iohannis evangelistae, sicut pater, meus dominus Manfredus pro suorum et salute sua servitio Dei liberaliter eam disposuit, sic eo tenore et eodem modo praesentis scripti auctoritate dono et dando in perpetuum confirmo. Quae videlicet capella sita dignoscitur in colle versus orientem subtus oppidum meum Repellum appellatum, quod ad pedem montium in alto firmatur in monte Brae nominato. In hac siquidem capella pater meus et ego post obitum illius Deo septem sacerdotes pro nostrorum et animarum mercede perpetuo servire decrevimus, ad quorum opus et necessarios sumptus totam decimam nostrae proprietatis et totius territorii Repellensis integre loco illi tribuimus, scilicet decimam hominum nostrorum servorum et ancillarum, montium, planitierum, agrorum et vinearum, pratorum ac nemorum terrarumque omnium, scilicet culti et inculti huius divisae domus suae iam praedictae matris Dei usus dominii et census habebit annuos in omnibus, sicut mos est oppidi Repelli capere suos census et usus dominii singulis annis in terra sua. Manentes ergo domus istius ad Dei natale sibi dabunt annuatim spatulas porcorum, panes, vinum, avenam, scutelas et cyphos, ad secores vero denarios debitales pro multonibus ei reddent, et prata illius secabunt et foenabunt et foenum ad tecta, messes ad aream, granum in horreum debito portabunt. Laude quoque et assensu Taurinensis ecclesiae totam decimam territorii Repelli et adiacentium sibi finium quam ab ea pater meus aquisitavit, huic capellae suae perenniter me consentiente dedit sortem totius divisae beneficii, quod etiam habere disposuit cum aliis decimis, quas post nominatim dicemus. Voluit etiam terrae domus haec hominum suorum laborati quintam haberet, ac tertium vini. Cum autem quinta recepta fuerit manentes dabunt panes et pullos ac denarios quintatori, nec laborator unquam dividere quintam nec tertium vini a sua propria parte debuerit, nec removere messem de campo, neque vinum de torculari sine proprio domini misso. Item pertices et palos ad erigendum et firmandum proprias vineas huius domus quas sepient, putabunt et coluerint sicut opus erit ac vendemiaverint et vindemiam ad torcular, vinumque ad carrerias portabunt. Terras etiam quas in proprio suo domus ista seminabit, prout ei necesse fuerit, arabunt. Ad castagnatores dabunt castaneas debitales et advenam, ut in loco suetum est. Intrante hyeme dabunt ei faces ad illuminandum et ligna ad calefaciendum. Si vero domos aut ecclesiam huius loci per aliquod tempus frangi vel dirui contigerit, homines sui eas erigent, reaedificabunt, discoopertas cooperient et scandalarum, quantum opus erit ad eorum operimenta faciendum et renovandum, annuo dabunt et illuc rite portabunt. Haec ergo universa debita homines huius ecclesiae annuatim sibi solvent, secundum quod magis aut minus quisque de suo tenebit. Qui plus inde possidebit plus servitii faciet iuxta quod magister et minister loci non privatim, nec ecclesiae beneficium astucia minuendi, sed sano et communi consilio ordinabunt ita quod honor et stabilitas loci nunquam minuatur, sed sicut Repellum oppidum dominium et potestatem in rebus et hominibus suis habuerit, sic liberaliter haec capella dominium et potestatem in finis omnibus semper habeat. Assensu quoque meo dedit pater meus huic capellae suae totam decimam omnium eorum, quae infra castrum Repelli ferentur ad comedendum, scilicet panis, vini, carnium, bestiarum sylvestrium et domesticarum, scapularum debitalium , volatilium et quartarum venationis, agnorum, caseorum, galinarum, ovorum, piscium et aliorum omnium intromissorum in hoc castellum ed edendum. Placuit enim nobis ut huic capellae cui interiores capellulas castri dedimus ad celebrandum in eis divinum officium et manentibus iu castro poenitentiam et eucharistiam ministrandum pro iis decima dicta perpetuo tribueretur. Dedimus quoque loco isti et Deo servituris ibidem omnem decimam totius nostri proprii laborati in territorio Repelli ut supra legitur et totam decimam omnium bestiarum nostrarum in eodem territorio, idest equorum, iumentorum, bovum, vaccarum omnium, caprarum et porcorum et omnem decimam totius nemoris Staphardae, idest decimam arborem, decimam animal ibi captorum, decimam pellem, atque decimam fructuum terrarum omnium quae ibi ad excolendum rumpentur et runcabuntur, et insuper illi concessimus omni tempore ius habere capiendi de hoc nemore quicquid inde opus habebit, nec aliquis unquam familiam eius ibi pignorare praesumat. Tempore vero colligendarum glandium ibi quicumque voluerit in toto hoc nemore prae caeteris cunctis hominibus sibi partem ad colligendum glandes cernat. Inter caetera vero pater meus et ego decernimus, ne cuilibet personae haeredum vel successorum nostrorum in perpetuum unquam liceret super hac domo vel omnibus suis habere seu requirere fodrum imperiale, comestiones, albergarias, et praeconia, foresterias, fornum vel paleam, nec aliquam ad equos marescaliam, non ducere boves aut currus ad exercitus, non quodlibet aliud inde ab eis extorquere unquam, nec adimo placita comitatus, scilicet zelotopiam, homicidium atque periurium hominum, namque multiplicate nequitia fieri solet, quando quis in beneficiis suis largitis huiuscemodi placita retinebat, posteri eius suo a malitia intellectu mutat benefacta sui praedecessoris in iis placitis annullare conabantur; ideoque domui quae placita contalia (comitalia) debentur, sine omni retentu favere decrevimus, ut semper homines suos prout voluerit placitet atque castiget. Praeterea in confirmatione supradictorum et huius scripti eadem libertate qua illa data sunt, ego Adelaida pro meorum et salute mea huic capellae meae perpetuo iure concedo duos mansos, alterum ad sanctum Frontinianum, alterum in Villanova, illum scilicet quem quondam filius Ariberti vicecomitis possedit, et totam terram inter duos fluvios Padum et Borundum subter viam a vado Padi usque Brundam, viam dico quae est secus ecclesiam sanctae Mariae de Phardesana. Haec igitur omnia quae superios dicta sunt, sicut fuerunt allodium patris mei, atque meum, sic loco isto matris Dei pro allodio perpetuo iure dedimus. Pater meus se et omnes haeredes et successores suos iis omnibus praescriptis penitus devestivit, exhaeredavit, locum istum et Deo servientes ibidem investivit et haeredavit. Similiter ego me et omnes haeredes et successores meos iis omnibus praedictis devestio et exhaeredo, locum istum ac Deo servituros ibidem investio et haeredo. Ut autem haeres meus vel dominus castri Repelli hanc capellam, fidelius et libentius omni tempore defendat et manuteneat, hoc ei tantum in ea concedo quod si forte quis hominum suorum versus eam erectus in superbiam sibi contraire tentaverit, et prout ratio exegerit voluntati eius obedire noluerit, si res in tantum processerit, quod magister ecclesiae domino Repelli clamorem mitti faciat, tunc ab ipso domino ecclesiae facta iustitia plenarie de illo malefactore magister et dominus communi consilio de rebus illius capient et pro forcia quoniam dominus magister contra rebellem suum banni medietatem habebit et alteram magister ecclesiae sibi retinebit. Denique tibi, Gargane sacerdos et tuis successoribus huius ecclesiae magistris, capellaniam meam haeredumque meorum a Thaner fluvio per totum Oiradum ad pedem usque montium , me perpetuo favisse scripto memoriae commendari praecepi et dum in curia manseritis ab ipsa vobis plenarie necessaria ministrari iubemus. Cum autem ad perficiendas legationes et tractanda negotia nostra vos mitti necesse habuerimus , de rebus nostris sic honeste parabimini, ut pro quibus mittemini, honorabiliter inde fieri possint. Si tamen tunc in ecclesia cavalcaturae fuerint, et iis ibi opus erit at servitium nostrum vobis eas assumetis. Ita dico quod ecclesia prorsus hinc in nullo gravetur. Nolo enim me vel quemlibet posterorum meorum rebus et servitio sic temporaliter frui, ut collata beneficia sibi pro nobis minuantur, unde sperata merces animabus vestris a Deo subtraheretur: neque praetermittendum est, quoniam omni tempore domus haec iustitias habebit et placita suorum hominum sine calumnia et inquietatione alicuius, ac quotiens homines illius terras vendiderint, quas  ab ea tenebunt, tertiam partem pretii venditionis domus habebit. Si quis ergo successorum meorum seu possessorum oppidi Repelli vel quislibet alius spiritus diabolo repletus omnium eorum quae huic capellae meae scripto conceduntur, aliquid auferre , minuere vel temere vexare praesumpserit et ab hac sua facta nequitia reverti noluerit haereditatem meam se prorsus offendisse sciat, et eius expers iudicio meo semper sit, eiusque memoria precor Deum ut cito de terra pereat. Omnis vero qui in suo statu et stabilitate protexerit eam, ipse meus sit legitimus haeres et Paradisi gaudium, quod nunquam finitur, utinam inde habeat amen.

Testes inde fuerunt Adalaida comitissa, Anselmus vicecomes, Quosa de Racunis , Guido Marencus , Bernardus villicus, Adam frater eius, Ot-Oca vicecomites de Baratonia, Brunus, Herencius, Albertus de Venasca, Silvus , W. Unguer , Ot de Moroz. P. de Venator, Mascher de Racunis, Brunus Scotus scriptor, per manum cuius data fuit haec charta Repelli , anno incarnationis Dominicae millesimo septuagesimo quinto, indictione decima tertia, mense maio, feria v, luna tertia, Henrico regnante Romanorum imperatore augusto. Testes singuli manu propria fecerunt haec signa. Ego Brunus Palatinus notarius scripsi. In pace sint omnia quae possidet, amen.

Historical context:

The countess confirms and extends a grant of a chapel dedicated to the virgin, for the priest serving there and all his successors, made originally by her father to have seven priests serving perpetually for the salvation of their family.  She lists in detail the various tithes to be paid to the church from the workers of the lands of the county of Auriate.

Scholarly notes:

*  Muletti notes that there is a gold coin with the imprint of a lamb or sheep and a small cross, implying that the payment was to be made with such coins, 237 n.7.  ** Paesana is Muletti’s suggestion for Phardesana, 241, n.5.

Printed source:

Muletti, Memorie storico-diplomatiche appartenenti alla città ed ai marchesi di Saluzzo (Saluzzo:  lobetti-Bodoni, 1829), 1.236-43.  
