A letter from Adelaide
Adelaide of Turin and SusaReceiver
Public?Translated letter:
Countess Adelaide gave Adalbert, surnamed Curtes, from her court and household, and his wife Bona, freedom and the land which they held in allod, because they had cared for two [of her] children, namely the marquis Peter and [her] daughter (Bertha) who was married to the emperor.
Original letter:
Adelaida comitissa dedit Adalberto, agnomento Curtes, de sua curia et familia, et uxori ejus Bonae libertatem et terram quam tenebant in allodio, eo quod nutrierant duos pueros, scilicet Petrum marchionem, et filiam (Bertam), quae in matrimonio imperatoris fuit.
Historical context:
This is a summary of the document in which the countess rewarded a couple who had taken care of two of her children.
Manuscript source:
Chartarium Ulciense, Doc. CCIX, p.175.
Printed source:
Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin: Fratres Bocca, 1889), p.77, #216.