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A letter from Bertha


Bertha of Turin



Translated letter:

1065, April 22, Indiction 5, Asti.Countess Bertha and Manfred, Boniface, and Anselm, marquises and Henry and Odo, brothers, mother and sons living by Salic law by birth, give to the church of St. Mary in the episcopate of Asti four courts with castles and chapels in Castagnola and Laureto and Montaldo and Rocha de Flexie.  The giving was done by the small knife, etc.*  Sign of countess Bertha, Manfred, Boniface, William, and Odo Alric. Benzo the notary wrote it.                                                             

Original letter:

1065, 22 Aprilis, Ind. v. Astae.Berta comitissa et Manfredus, Bonifacius et Anselmus marchiones et Henricus et Oto germani, mater et filii, lege viventes salica ex natione sua, donant ecclesiae S. Mariae de episcopatu Astensi quatuor curtes cum castris et capellis in Castagnolis et Laureto et Montaldo atque Rocha de Flexie. Traditio fit per cultellum etc. S. Bertae comitissae, Manfredi, Bonifacii, Guilelmi et Otto Alricus.  Benzo notarius scripsit.

Historical context:

This is a summary of a charter in which the countess and her sons give four courts to a church.

Scholarly notes:

*  This refers to a formula of traditional symbolic objects handed over at the transfer of property.  I am grateful to Adam Kosto for this explanation.

Printed source:

Regesta Comitum Sabaudiae, ed. Dominico Carutti (Turin:  Fratres Bocca, 1889),  59, #165.



1065, April 22