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A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  I, Theoderic/Dirk, by the grace of God count of Holland, and I, countess Aleide, for the remedy of our souls and those of our predecessors, we confer on the church of St. Mary in the Island the fish-pond in Giesenmonde between the house of Ambrose Wildebuc and Theoderic Bukenhalls.  That this may remain firm in perpetuity and be known to  those in the present as well as the future, also lest any of our successors should presume to break this at any time, we held it useful and necessary to strengthen the present page with the impression of our seal.

These were enacted in the 1198th year from the incarnation of the lord.

Witnesses are these:  Henry, deacon of the church of St. Peter, William, canon of the church of St. Martin, Arnold the seneschal, Henry his brother, William of Vorholt (?Uurholt), Martin of Dordrecht.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini.

Ego Teodericus , Dei gratia comes Hollandie, et ego Aleidis comitissa pro remedio animarum nostrarum et predecessorum nostrorum piscaturam in Gescemunde inter domum  Ambrosii Wildebuc et Teoderici Bukenhals contulimus ecclesie beate  Marie in Insula.

Ut  hoc autem in perpetuum ratum permaneat et tam presentibus quam futuris notum fiat, ne etiam aliquis successorum nostrorum hoc aliquando infringere presumat, utile et necessarium duximus sigilli nostri impressione presentem paginam corroborare.

Acta sunt hec anno incarnationis dominice M° C° XC° VIII0.

Testes sunt hii: Heinricus decanus ecclesie beati Petri, Wilhelmi canonicus  ecclesie beati Martini, Arnoldus dapifer, Heinricus  frater eius Wilhelmus de Uurholt, Martinus de Durthric. 

Historical context:

The count and countess give a fish-pond to a church.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 1.390, #231.
