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A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity.  Let it be known to all the faithful of Christ, future as well as present, that I Theoderic, by the grace of God count of Holland and countess Aleide, confirm the gifts which the venerable Petronilla countess of Holland and her son Theoderic conferred on the church of the blessed virgin Mary in Rijnsburg to hold in perpetuity, and we protect it from every objection of our successors with the impression of our seal.  Of which [gifts] this is the description:  that town Rijnsburg and whatever was in it in their jurisdiction; in the town which is called Nortghe nine manors and a half similarly with all jurisdiction except that the inhabitants have to pay a fifth part of the claim of the count in Nortghe over these; in a certain land which is called Lede, six properties, that is manors, and three properties in Delft, with that right that the officials of the count living in these pay the claims of the count, the free men indeed answer to the church in this manner; besides the whole land and jurisdiction of Alsmer and whatever was in it of their jurisdiction, and also the whole tithe of that land they conferred on said church to hold in perpetuity. I indeed count Theoderic, son of countess Ada, with my wife countess Aleide, wishing to provide for the  benefit of the church in Rinsburch for the remedy of our souls, in exchange and compensation for the land and jurisdiction of Aalsmeer, the land in Walchern which is our own, namely twohundred and fifty measures of land to be conferred immutably on said church, which I declare and confirm to be removed in perpetuity from all claim of the count and trouble of those surrounding by the impression of our seal.  Witnesses of this thing are:  countess Ada, her son Floris, Hugo of Vorne, Nicholas of Haarlem, seneschal Arnold, his brother Henry, Theoderic Bertold, Bartholomew of Voorne, butler Floris, William of Egmund, Gisler of Kerkwerf, Theoderic Neueke.  These were enacted in the 1199th year of the incarnation of the lord, with Henry ruling as emperor of the Romans and king of Sicily, and Theoderic of Utrecht presiding as bishop.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis.   Notum sit omnibus Christi fidelibus tam futuris quam presentibus quod ego Theodericus  Dei gratia comes  Hollandie  et Aleidis  comitissa donaria que venerabilis Petronilla comitissa Hollandie et Theodericus filius eius ecclesie  beate virginis Marie in Rinsburch in perpetuum habenda contulerant, confirmamus atque contra omnem posterum nostrorum contradictionem sigilli nostri impressione munimus. Quorum hec est descriptio: ipsam villam Rinsburch  et quicquid sui iuris in ea fuerat; in villa que dicitur  Nortghe novem predia et dimidium similiter cum omni iure, excepto quod super hec manentes  quintam partem peticionis comitis in Nortghe debent solvere; in terra quadam que dicitur Lede, sex mansos,  id est houe, et tres mansos in Delf, eo iure ut ministeriales comitis in hiis manentes peticiones comitis solvant, liberi vero super huiusmodi tantummodo ecclesie respondeant; preterea totam terram et iurisdictionem de Alsmer  et quicquid in ea sui iuris fuerat, necnon  et totam eiusdem terre decimam prefate ecclesie in perpetuum habendam contulerant. Ego vero Theodericus comes, Ade comitisse filius, cum Aleyde co­mitissa uxore mea pro animarum nostrarum remedio utilitati ecclesie in Rinsburch  providere volens, in concambium et reconpensationem terre et iurisdictionis de Alsmar , terram in UUalacria que nostra propria erat, scilicet ducentas et quinquaginta mensuras predicte ecclesie immutabiliter  contuli, quam ab omni comitis peticione  ac circummanentium infestatione denuntio et sigilli nostri impressione confirmo in perpetuum  eximi.Huius rei testes sunt:  Ada comitissa, filius eius Florentius, Hugo de Uorne, Nicholaus de Harlem, Arnoldus dapifer, frater eius Heinricus, Theodericus Bertoldus, Bartholomeus de Vorne, Florentius pincerna, Willelmus de Egmunda, Gislerus de Kerkuuerf, Thidericus Neueke.  Acta sunt hec anno incarnationis dominice millesimo C nonagesimo nono, regnante Heinrico Romanorum imperatore et rege Sicilie, presulante Theoderico Traiectense episcopo.

Historical context:

The count and countess confirm a gift made by the count's great grandmother, Petronilla, mother of Dirk VI, and regent during his minority, and her son, the count's grandfather, to the church of St. Mary in Rijnsburg.  The gift includes the town of Rijnsburg and various other properties.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 1.398-401, # 238 . 
