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A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

I,  Theoderic by the grace of God count of Holland, and A[leide] my wife, countess of Holland, make known to the moderns as well as those who come after, what [S]ophia former countess of Holland of blessed memory generously conferred on the church of Rijnsburg, namely 125 pounds and goods of Scyhe and goods of Riswickerbrok and 40 pounds over the 40 iugera/acres of land in the land of the count which is called Harena, and goods of Warmond; we also and our maternal uncle Otto, count of Bentheim and his sister abbess Sophia, for the soul of the aforementioned countess Sophia and her husband count Theoderic, and for the souls of their children and all their successors as well as ours, [we] have confirmed to said church by our hands on the condition that they grant those goods in alms by our counsel and that of our said uncle count Otto.  That these may persist firm and untroubled, we have strengthened the present charter with our seal.  These are the witnesses:  Baldwin of Halthena, Hugo of Voorne, Simon of Haarlem, William of Theylinge, Arnold seneschal, John of Riswick.  Dated at Leiden in the 1200th year of the lord, 12th kalends of September, 8th moon/month.

Original letter:

Ego Theodericus, Dei gratia Hollandie comes, et A. uxor mea, Hollandie comitissa, notum facimus tam modernis quam posteris, quod bona que beate memorie [S]Ophia quondam Hollandie comitissa ecclesie de Rinsburg liberaliter contulit, scilicet CXXV libras et bona de Scyhe et bona de Riswikerbroke et XL libras supra XL iugera terre in terra que dicitur Harena comitis, et bona de Wormonde, nos quoque et avunculus noster Otto comes de Benethem et soror eius Sophya abbatissa  pro anima prememorate Sophye comitisse et mariti eius Theoderici comitis et pro animabus liberorum suorum et omnium successorum tam eorum quam nostrorum  eidem predicte ecclesie per manus  nostras confirmavimus, ea conditione ut eadem bona in elemosinas cedant consilio nostro et avunculi nostri comitis Ottonis iamdicti.  Ut autem hec rata et inconvulsa permaneant, presentem cartam sigillo nostro roboravimus.  Testes hii sunt: Boudwinus de Halthena, Hugo de Vorne, Symon de Harlehem, Willelmus de Theylinge,  Arnoldus dapifer, Iohannes de Riswic. Datum apud Leythen anno Domini M°C°C°, XII° kal. septembris, luna VIIIa.

Historical context:

The count and countess announce  and confirm the gift made by the count's grandmother, Sophia von Rheineck (mother of his father Floris III), of money, goods, and land to the church of Rijnsburg.  Two of her remaining children, Otto of Bentheim and Sophia, abbess of Rijnsburg, also confirm the gift, and Otto retains the right to advise on the granting of those goods in alms.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 1.406-07, # 243. 


1200, August 21