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A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity.  I, Theoderic count of Holland and I, Aleide, countess, greetings in the lord to all the faithful of Christ.

Since all things which are done are usually cut off by process of long time or the trouble of ambiguity or destruction of every kind of oblivion, we have determined to commend to the voice of the present page that we have assigned to the church of St. Mary in Berne two marks annually from our tribute in Dordrecht, at whatever time it is first paid or, if the tribute is not sufficient,from our first revenues given there, to have in perpetuity.  Of which we have given one for what is to be done in the memory of our predecessor count Floris perpetually by the brothers living there; the other indeed we have ordered in remission of our sins to buy hosts and wine, from which daily the body and blood of our lord Jesus Christ is produced on the altar. 

That these may be held firm by all our sucessors, we have had the present page drawn up and have fortified it with the authority of our seals.

These were enacted at Dordrecht in the 1200th year from the incarnation of the lord, third indiction.

These are the witnesses:  Baldwin of Altena, John of Heusden, Siger But, Theoderic Bokel, master Giselbert, doctor, Allinus, chaplain, who wrote this.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Ego Theodericus Hollandie comes et ego Aleidis comitissa omnibus Christi fidelibus salutem in Domino.

Quoniam ea que geruntur, longioris temporis processu vel ambiguitatis scrupulum vel omnimode oblivionis interitum incidere solent, presentis pagine suffragio dignum duximus commendare, quod ecclesie beate Marie in Berna duas marcas annuatim de censu nostro in Thurdrecht, qui primo solvitur quocumque tempore vel, si census non sufficit, ex primis reditibus nostris ibidem dandis, in perpetuum habendas assignavimus. Quarum unam pro memoria predecessoris nostri Florentii comitis perpetualiter a fratribus ibidem manentibus agenda dedimus; alteram vero in remissionem peccatorum nostrorum ad oblatas et vinum emendum, ex quibus cotidie corpus et sanguis Domini nostri Iesu Christi in altari conficitur, ordinavimus.

Ut autem hec ita rata ab omnibus posteris nostris teneantur, presentem paginam inde conscribi fecimus et eam sigillorum nostrorum auctoritate  communivimus.

Acta sunt hec apud Thurdrecht M°CC°  anno dominice incarnationis, indictione tertia.

Sunt autem hii testes: Baldwinus  de Altena, Iohannes de Huseden Sigerus  But, Theodricus Bokel, magister Giselbertus  medicus, Allinus  capellanus qui hec scripsit.

Historical context:

The count and countess announce the gift of a portion of their annual tribute in Dordrecht to the church of St. Mary in Berne, to be suuplemented by other revenues, if not sufficient to honor the memory of the count's father Floris, and to supply communion hosts and wine for their own souls.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 1.417-18, #248. 
