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A letter from Aleide


Aleide/Adelaide of Cleves
Theoderic/Dirk VII, count of Holland



Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual trinity.

I, Theoderic, by the grace of God count of Holland, make known to the modern as well as those to come, that my father count Floris bestowed on the church of St. Mary in Rijnsburg 60 pounds in Lier besides two properties, that is two manors, for the soul of his brother Robert who is buried there.

I indeed together with my wife countess Aleide we have transferred the property of said land to be possessed by perpetual right to said church for our sins, namely for the reason that each day in that church the mass of St. Mary and a mass for the dead faithful of God be celebrated for the remedy and salvation of our souls and of our relatives perpetually.

Witnesses of this thing are:  count Otto of Bentheim, Floris brother of the count, Simon of Harlem, William of Theylinge, Arnold seneschal, James castellan , William of Osgest, Frank of Warmond.

That this page of our donation may remain firm, we have confirmed it with the appending of our seal.

Dated at Leiden in the 1201st year from the incarnation of the lord, 10th kalends of March, 3rd moon/month.


Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis.

Ego Theodricus, Dei gratia Hollandie comes, notum facio tam modernis quam posteris, quod pater meus Florentius comes ecclesie beate Marie in Rinsburg LX libras in Liere super duos mansos, id est duas houas, pro anima fratris sui Roberti contulit qui ibidem sepultus est.                     

Ego vero una cum uxore mea comitissa Aleide proprietatem prefate terre perpetuo iure possidendam iamdicte ecclesie pro peccatis nostris tradidimus, ea scilicet ratione ut singulis diebus in eadem ecclesia missa de sancta Mariaet missa pro fidelibus Dei defunctis pro remedio et salute animarum nostrarum et parentum nostrorum perpetualiter celebretur.

Huius autem rei testes hii: comes Otto de Benthem, Florentius frater comitis, Symon de Harlem, Willem de Teiling, Arnoldus dapifer, Iacobus castelanus, Willem de Osgest, Fra(n)co de Warmund.

Ut igitur hec pagina nostre concessionis rata permaneat, eam sigilli nostri appensione firmamus.                     

Datum apud Leithen anno dominice incarnationis M° C°C° 1°, X° kl. martii, luna IIIa.

Historical context:

The count announces a transfer of property he and the countess made for a gift conferred by his father on the church of St. Mary in Rijnsburg for the soul of his brother, Robert.

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. A.C.F.Koch, 1.419-20, #250.  


1201, February 20