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A letter from Ada


Ada of Holland



Translated letter:

To all the children of holy mother church, clerics and laymen, present and future, Ada, by the grace of God, margravine of Brandenburg, greetings.

Let your whole community know that with my will and the consent of count William and Floris, my brothers, and countess Ada my mother, and Ada my niece, I have sold to the church of St. Mary of Rijnsburg and Agnes the abbot and the convent of that place two manors of land in Poel belonging to me by right of heredity, to hold in perpetuity and possess by perpetual right, free and immune from all service and custom and charge belonging to me and my heirs as freely, immunely, and honorably as any convent church holds and possesses any land very freely, immunely, and honorably.

This sale was made in the 1205th year from the incarnation with these witnesses:  William of Theylinge and his brother Theoderic, Arnold of Riswick and his brother Henry, Giselbert of Tilburg, Philip of Wasnar and his son Theoderic, Hugo of Nortge, Floris of Zoeterwoude, Theoderic of Delft and his brother Arnold, Hubert of Kerecwerf.

That this sale, grant and confirmation may be held firm and remain untroubled, we have strengthened the present confirmation with the impression of our seal.

Original letter:

Omnibus sancte matris ecclesie filiis, clericis et laicis, presentibus et futuris, Ada Dei gratia marchionissa de Brandeburg salutem.

Noverit universitas vestra, me volente et assensu Willelmi comitis et Florentii fratrum meorum et Ade comitisse matris mee et Ade neptis mee, vendidisse ecclesie sancte Marie de Rinesburg et Agnete abbatisse et eiusdem loci conventui duas houas terre in Pole mihi iure hereditatis pertinentes, in perpetuum habendas et possidendas iur(e) perpetuo, liberas et quietas ab omni servitio et consuetudine et exactione mihi et heredibus meis pertinente ita libere, quiete et honorifice sicut aliqua conventualis ecclesia terram aliquam liberius, quietius et honorificentius tenet et possidet.

Hec vendicio facta est anno incarnationis Domini M ° CC ° V ° his testibus:  Willelmo de Teilinge et Theodrico fratre eius, Arnoldo de Riswic et fratre eius Heinrico, Giselberto de Tilburg, Philippo de Wasnare et filio eius Theodrico, Hugone de Nortge, Florentio de Sotrewold, Theodrico de Delf et fratre eius Arnoldo, Huberto de Kerecwerf.

Ut autem hec vendicio, concessio et confirmatio in perpetuum rata habeatur et inconcussa permaneat, presentem confirmationem sigilli nostri impressione roboravimus.

Historical context:

The margravine confirms a sale of land to a church in Holland, with the consent of her birth family.


Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, ed. ACF Koch, 1.453-54, #273.
