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A letter from Margaret


Margaret of Constantinople, Countess of Flanders



Translated letter:

Margaret countess of Flanders and Hainaut to all who will see the present letters greetings.

You will know that we have received from our beloved municipal officials and community of the city of Ghent a thousand Flanders pounds for which they were held to us on the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin in the year 1258, for the gift which they made us in order to free our dearest son Guy, count of Flanders, from imprisonment in which he was held by the Hollanders; and we quit said municipal officials and community of the thousand pounds by the witness of the present letters.

Dated in the 1257th year of the lord, on the day …Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

Original letter:

Margareta Flandrie et Haynonie comitissa omnibus presentes litteras visuris salutem.

Noveritis nos recepisse ex dilectis nostris scabinis et communitate ville Gandensis mille libras Flandrensium in quibus nobis tenebantur in Assumpcione beate Virginis anni millesimi ducentesimi quinquagesimi octavi, pro dono quod nobis fecerunt propter deliberationem karissimi filii nostri Guidonis comitis Flandrie a prisoni a Hollandensibus in qua tenebatur; et de dictis mille libris quitamus dictos scabinos et communitate[.] presencium testimon[.]o litterarum.

Datum anno Domini M°CC° L° s[...], in die 1[...]po[...]  Exaltationem sancte crucis.

Historical context:

The countess acknowledges payment of a debt incurred by the city of Ghent to help ransom her son, imprisoned in Holland. 

Printed source:

Oorkondenboek van Holland en Zeeland tot 1299, 3.174-75, #1174.


1257, September 17