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A letter from William Raymond of Termes


William Raymond of Termes


Cecilia of Provence

Translated letter:

In the name of God.  I William Raymond and my brothers, Alairand and Bernard, together give you, Cecilia, viscountess, and your sons, every honor that we have and ought to have in Termes, and what pertains and should pertain to that city of Termes, namely in castles, in towns, in lands, in vineyards, cultivated and uncultivated, in meadows, in pastures, in woods, in barren lands, in waters and acqueducts, all wholly as Peter and Oliver had them and held them rather, in whatever land they had them.  Namely the honor that came to us by succession from our grandfathers; by whatever agreements or authority pertains to us or ought to pertain to us, without deception, we give and approve the whole to you and your sons.  And if any man or woman should seize or bring suit over it, we shall be legal surety for you by right and for this we receive from you 500 solidos.  This charter of donation was made in this year 1118 from the lord’s incarnation, under the rule of king Louis. Sign of William Raymond and of his brothers Alairand and Bernard, who ordered this charter to be made and asked witnesses to sign it.  Sign of Arnald of Laurano.  Sign of William Calvet.  Sign of William of Limos. Sign of Guillerm Siguer of Pomars.  Sign of Gerald of Rivo.  Sign of William Roger of Villare.  Peter wrote it.

Original letter:

IN Dei nomine. Ego Willelmus Raymundi & fratres mei Alairandus &c Bernardus, nos insimul donamus tibi Caeciliae vicecomitissae & filiis tuis omnem illum honorem quem habemus & habere debemus in Termino & qui pertinet & pertinere de­bet ad ipsum castrum de Termino, scilicet in castellis, in villis, in terris, in vineis, cultis & incultis, in pratis, in pascuis, in silvis, in garricis, in aquis aquarumve ductibus, omnia integriter sicut melius Petrus & Oliverius habuerunt & tenuerunt, in qualicumque terra ea habuerint. Quem sci­licet honorem nobis advenit per successionem avi nostri; per quascumque convenientias sive voces ad nos pertinet vel pertinere debet, sine inganno totum do­namus, laudamus tibi & tuis filiis. Et si aliquis homo vel foemina amparaverit aut placita inde habuerit, legales tibi garitores erimus per directum & propter hoc accepimus a te quingentas solidatas. Facta est autem carta donationis hujus dominicae Incarnationis anno MCXVIII, regnante Ludovico rege. S. Willelmi Raymundi & Alairandi & Bernardi fratrum ejus, qui hanc cartam fieri jusserunt & testes firmare rogaverunt. S. Arnaldi de Laurano. S. Willelmi Calvet. S. Willelmi de Limos. S. Guillermi Siguerii de Pomars. S. Geraldi de Rivo. S. Willelmi Rogerii de Vilare, Petrus scripsit.

Historical context:

The charter records what is called a "donation" of lands for money for a sum of money that seems more like a sale or a mortgage.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.869, #463, ccclxxviii.
