A letter from Ug de Sexac
Ug de SexacReceiver
Cecilia of ProvenceTranslated letter:
This is the charter of agreement that Ug de Sexac and his brothers made with Cecilia, viscountess, and Roger her son, and Ug de Sexac and Bernard Raymond swore by his faith that after the current wars, he would not make war with any man or any woman and they should make their brothers swear by this agreement. And because they would not make war, the viscountess with Roger her son gives them one thousand Melgueil solidos naus (?) and a hundred Ugonian solidos [baronial coinage] and they promise that [she] give four hundred Melgueil solidos and if Peter Raymond of Altpol and Ermengaud his son swore to this they would return the cors (body/heart) of Boissezon and they would never be in an assault (assot) against Roger and the viscountess, and to this agreement Escot de la Brugeira, and Ug de Ventron, and Amel Sigerz, and Peter Gras swore; witnesses, William de la Brugeira and Pons Gausbert and Matfrei Calvet and William Amelius of Senegaz.
Original letter:
Haec est carta d'accorder que fe Ug de Sexac & fratres suos ad Caecilia vicecomitissa & ad Rogerio filio suo, & plevis Ug de Sexac per sa foy & Bernard Raimond que d'aquestas guerras que ara o que ia ne guerrigera ab nul home ni ab nula femna, & per ipsa conventa devont far ad fratres suos plevir. E per aco que nols guerrion dona lor la vecomtessa & Rogerio filio suo mille solidos Melgorenses naus & centum solidos de Ugonensis e prometen que dona quatercentos solidos Melgorienses, & se daiz mention a lor plevit Peire Raimundz d'Altpol & Hermengaudz fiiio suo que tornesson lo cors Boissezon & que ja non issi sunt entro ab assot de Roger & de la vescomtessa, & per essa convenza an plevit Escot de la Brugeira, & Ug de Ventron , & Amel Sigerz, e Peire Gras; authorici Guillelmi de la Brugeira & Pons Gausbert & Matfrei Calvet & Guillem Amelius de Senegaz.
Historical context:
This is one of several oaths taken in hommage to Cecilia, mainly in Latin but with Provençal phrases.
Printed source:
Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.965-66, #509.3, CCCCXVII.