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A letter from William of Margo


William of Margo


Bernard Ato IV
Cecilia of Provence

Translated letter:

I William of Margo at present give in faith without deceit to you Bernard-Ato viscount of Béziers and your wife Cecilia and your children and your posterity in allod half of the whole castle of Lupiano and of that whole town and all its boundaries, and similarly to you and your children and your posterity in allod in faith without deceit the other half which I retain in said castle and town, etc.  And in all said gifts you cannot give anything nor loose/alienate it except to your child or to him or her from your progeny who will hold Béziers.  This charter was made on the fifth ides of January in the year of the Lord’s Incarnation 1115, in the rule of king Louis.  Sign of Bernard Amato of MonteSereno.  Sign of Raymond Idalard of Pontiano.  Sign of Peter of Sabrano.  Sign of Peter of Revano.  Requested by William of Maro, Stephen Sicfred wrote it.

Original letter:

Ego Guilhelmus de Margon de praesenti per fidem sine inganno dono tibi Bernardo-Atonis Biterrensi vicecomiti & uxori tuae Caeciliae & infantibus vestris & posteritati vestrae medietatem per allodem de toto ipso castello de Lupiano & de tota ipsa villa & de totis ejus terminiis, & vobis similiter per alodem & infantibus vestris & posteritati vestrae per fidem sine inganno aliam medietatem quam retineo in supradicto castello & villa, &c. Et in totis supradictis donis non possitis ullam rem donare nec laxare nisi ad illum vestrum infantem aut ad illum aut ad illam de progenie vestra qui Bitterrim habebit. Facta fuit haec carta V idus januarii, anno Domini Incarnationis MCXV, regnante rege Ludovico. S. Bernardi Amati de Monte-Sereno. S. Raymundi Ydalardi de Pontiano. S. Petri de Sabrano. S. Petri de Revano. Rogatus a Guilhelmo de Margon Stephanus Sicfredi scripsit.

Historical context:

William gives half his castle in allod to the count and countess and their family, retaining the other half which will go to them after his death.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc,  5.852-54, #456.2, CCCLXXI.


1116, January 9