A letter from Ermengard
Bernard Ato IVErmengard of Carcassonne
PublicTranslated letter:
In the name, etc. I Ermengard viscountess, wife of Raymond by name Trencavel and our son Bernard, give and grant and freely present to God and St. Cecilia and the church of Albi dedicated in her honor and name under the direction and care of lord William, bishop, and all the other clerics present and future, the church of Caunes, the whole allod as we held or possessed it before, etc. This charter was made in the month of March, on Sunday, in the reign of king Philip. Sign of Jordan Escafred. Sign of Hugo his brother.
Original letter:
In nomine, &c. Ego Ermengardis vicecomitissa uxor Raymundi nomine Trencavelli & filius noster Bernardus, damus & concedimus, & libere condonamus Deo & Sanctae Ceciliae atque Albiensi ecclesiae in ejus honore & in nomine dedicatae, sub regimine & custodia domini Willhermi episcopi aliorumque omnium clericorum praesentium & futurorum, illam ecclesiam de la Cauna, totum allode sicut melius antea tenuimus vel possidemus, &c. Facta carta in mense martii, sub die dominico, regnante Philippo rege. Signum Jordani-Escafredi. Signum Ugo fratris sui.
Historical context:
The viscountess and her son donate a church to the church of Albi.
Printed source:
Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.712, 375.1, CCCII.