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A letter from Ermengard


Ermengard of Carcassonne



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  I Ermengard viscountess, daughter of Rangard, am the donor to the Lord God and St. Faith of those rights to provisions and rents which I have in that town that is called Licairag, completely and wholly, for the remedy of my soul, etc., and for the remedy of the soul of my lord Raymond and for the salvation of my son Bernard-Ato and for the remedy of the souls of my parents.  This above-written honor I give to the Lord God and St. Faith of Conches and to the lord abbot Begon and the whole congregation of brothers who are there or will come in the future.  And by this agreement neither I nor any power that may be there or come in the future into the county of Carcassonne, nor any man  for them, can acquire anything.  This charter and this donation was made on Monday, in the month of November.  Sign + of Ermengard, who made this charter and asked to sign it, in the reign of king Philip, Peter Monaello as witness.  Sign + of Peter-Arnal.  Sign + of Peter Picart.  Sign + of Bernard Atto.  Sign + of William-Pons etc.  Stephen, priest, wrote it as asked on the day and year above.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini.  Ego Ermengardis vicecomitissa filia Rangardis donator sum Domino Deo & sanctae Fidis illa alberga & illa explecta quae abeo in ipsa villa quae vocatur Licairag, totum & ab integrum, propter remedium animae meae, &c. & pro remedium animae seniore meo Raymundo & pro salvatione filio meo Bernardo-Atto & per remedium animae parentum meorum.  Ista honore suprascripta dono Domino Deo & Sanctae Fidis de Conchis & Domino abbati Begoni & omni congregatione fratrum qui ibi sunt nec in antea advenerint.  Et per istam convenientiam quia nec ego nec ulla potestas quae ibi sit nec in antea adveniat in comitatu Carcassona nec ullus homo per illos non possit ullam rem adquirere.  Facta carta & donatio ista sub die feria II, in mense novembris.  S.+ Ermengardis, qui ista carta scribere fecit & firmare rogavit, regnante Philippo rege, teste Petro Monaello.  S. + Petro-Arnal.  S. + Petro Picart.  S. + Bernar-Atto.  S. + Willelmi-Poncii,  &c.  Stephanus presbyter rogatus scripsit die & anno quod supra.

Historical context:

The viscountess donates her rights to rents in a town to a church for her soul and the souls of various relatives.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.713, 375.4, CCCII.  


c.1090, November