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A letter from Ermengard


Bernard Ato IV
Cecilia of Provence
Ermengard of Carcassonne



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord Jesus.  I Ermengard viscountess of Béziers and Carcassonne, and my son Bernard, and his wife Cecilia, together as one we surrender to the Lord God and his holy apostles Peter and Paul in the monastery of Caunes, which was founded on the river L’Argent-double, and to the abbot Isarno and the monks of the place, the right to provisions which we have in the town of Recimiro in the territory of Razès, etc.  This document was made on 4 kalends of January, Tuesday, in the year 1097 from the Incarnation, in the reign of king Philip.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini Jesu.  Ego Ermengardis vicecomitissa Biterrensium & Carcassonensium, & filius meus Bernardus, & uxor ejus Caecilia, nos simul in unum diguirpitores sumus Domino Deo & sanctis apostolis ejus Petro & Paulo in monasterio Caunensi, quod est fundatum super rivo Argentiduplo, & abbati Isarno & monachis ejusdem loci albergam quam habemus in villa Recimiro in territorio Reddense, &c.  Facta est scriptura ista IV kalendas januarii, feria III, anno ab Incarnatione MXCVII,  Philippo rege regnante.

Historical context:

The charter records a donation made by the viscountess, her son, and her daughter-in-law, to the monastery of Caunes.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.759, #403.1, CCCXV.  


1097, December 29