A letter from Jordan
Jordan, son of JordanaReceiver
Douce of GévaudanRaymond Berenguer III
Translated letter:
I, Jordan, son of the woman Jordana, swear to you, count Raymond, son of countess Matilda, and to Dulcia, countess of Barcelona and Girona and Besalú and Osona and La Marche and Provence, that from this hour forward I shall be faithful to you without fraud and ill will and without any deception and without all trickery for your lives and your members which are held in your bodies. And I shall not deceive you over that city of Barcelona nor that county of Barcelona nor the bishopric of Barcelona or its abbacies, nor that honor which you have today in Spain or will acquire in the future, nor that county of Osona or its bishopric or abbacies, nor the city of Minorisa, nor the city of Girona nor the county or bishopric or abbacies of Girona, nor the county of Besalú and its abbacies, nor those castles or cliffs, hills, barren or developed, which are within the prescribed county, and every other honor you have today and will have acquired in the future, but I shall be faithful to you in all of them. And if a man, men, a woman, or women, should take anything from all said honor or wished to take it from you, I shall be an aid to you to hold and have and wage war with you and without you in faith without any trickery. And for that which I hold for you, namely that castle which is called Castelet, and all the fortifcations which are in its territory, nor the castle Olderdula or Eraprugnanno and all its fortifications, as for that viscomtal Castello Veteri of Barcelona, I shall give you authority as often as you both or one of you ask me, by yourselves or through your messenger or messengers. And I shall not refuse to be summoned or seen. As is written above, I said Jordan shall so attend and do to you said count and countess and to him or those to whom you grant your honor after your death by will or by words. By God and these holy [relics]. This oath was made in the palace of Barcelona on 4 Gospels by the right hand of Jordan in the presence of the aforementioned count.
Original letter:
Iuro ego lordanus, filius Iordane, femine, vobis, Raimundo, comiti, filio Maalti, comitisse, et Dulcie, comitisse Barchinonensium et Gerundensium et Bisullunensium ac Ausonensium et Marchie atque Provincie, quod de ista ora in antea fidelis ero vobis sine fraude et malo ingenio et sine ulla decepcione et sine omni engan de vestras vitas et de vestris corporibus et de vestris membris que in corporibus vestris se tenent. Et non vos decipiam de ipsa civitate Barchinone neque de ipso comitatu Barchinonensi neque de episcopatu Barchinonensi vel abbaciis eius neque de ipso honore quem hodie habetis de Ispania vel in antea adquisieritis, neque de ipso comitatu Ausone vel episcopatu eius vel abbaciis eius, neque de civitate Minorise, neque de ipsa civitate Gerunda neque de ipso comitatu vel episcopatu vel abbatiis Gerundensium, neque de comitatu Bisullunensium et abbatiis eius, neque de ipsis castellis vel rochas, pugos, eremos vel condirectos, qui infra prescriptos comitatus sunt, et de omni alia honore quem hodie habetis et in antea adquisituri eritis, set de omnibus fidelis ero vobis. Et si homo, homines, femina vel femine, de prefato omni honore aliquid tulerit vel tollere voluerint vobis, adiutor ero vobis tenere et abere et gueregare vobiscum et sine vobis per fidem, sine ullo engan. Et de ipso honore quem pro vobis teneo, videlicet, de ipso castello que dicitur Castelet, et de omnibus fortitudinibus que in terminio eius sunt, necnon de castello Olerdule sive de Eraprugnanno et de omnibus fortitudinibus eius, sicut et de ipso Castello Veteri Vicecomitali de Barchinona, potestatem vobis dabo per quantas vices mihi requisieritis ambo, vel unus vestrum, per vosmetipsos aut per vestrum nuncium vel nuncios. Et ego commonire non me vetabo nec videre. Sicut superius scriptum est, ego prefatus Iordanus ita attendam et faciam vobis iam dictis comiti et comitisse et ipsi vel ipsis, cui vel quibus vestrum honorem consensseritis post mortem vestram per testamentum sive per verba. Per Deum et hec sancta. Factum fuit hoc sacramentum in palacio Barchinonensi super IIII Evangelia per manum dextram Iordanis coram prelibato comite.
Historical context:
Oath which Jordan made to the count and countess for the castles of Castelet and Olerdola and Eraprugnanno.
Printed source:
Liber Feudorum Maior, 1.329-30, #304.