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A letter from Raymond William of Pruians


Raymond William of Pruians


Douce of Gévaudan
Raymond Berenguer III

Translated letter:

I Raymond William of Pruians, son of the woman Adelaide, swear to you (s) lord Raymond Berenguer, count, son of the woman Matilda, and to Dulcia, countess and your (pl) sons and daughters, that I shall be faithful to you for all your life and the members that are held in your bodies, and every honor of yours which you have today everywhere, and ought to have by whatever means and authority.  Moreover, I swear to you the aforesaid that the castrum of Tollo, with its interiors and exterior ramparts (vallis) and all that pertains to it, which I received through your (pl) hands and I hold and have through you in sincere fidelity to you.  And I shall give you power over it, as often as you ask me by yourselves or by your messenger or messengers, legal or illegal, angered or pacified.  And I shall not refuse to be seen or summoned, and I shall help you with all who might wish to take your honor or anything from said honor.  And I shall be faithful to you in all things in which a man should be faithful to his higher lord, against all men or women of the whole land.  As written above, so I shall hold and keep to you completely in right faith, without deception.  By God and these holy [relics].

Original letter:

Iuro ego Raimundus Guillelmi de Prullanis, filius Adalaidis, femina, tibi, domino Raimundo Berengarii, comiti, filius Mahaltis, femine, atque Dulcie, comitisse, et filiis et filiabus vestris, quod fidelis ero vobis de omni vita vestra et de omnibus membris que in corporibus vestris se tenent, et de omni honore vestro quem hodie ubicumque, vel qualicumque modo vel voce, habetis et habere debetis. Insuper, iuro vobis predictis castrum de Tollo, cum vallis interioribus et exterioribus et omnibus ad se pertinentibus, quem accepi per manus vestras et teneo et habeo per vos ad vestram sinceram fidelitatem. Et dabo vobis potestatem de eo, quocienscumque inde me requisieritis per vos vel per vestrum nuncium vel nuncios, cum forfectura et sine forfectura, iratus vel paccatus. Et non vetabo me inde videri vel comoneri, et adiuvabo vos de omnibus, qui voluerint vo­bis tollere honorem vestrum vel aliquid de predicto honore. Et ero vobis fidelis in omnibus, in quibus homo debet esse fidelis suo meliori seniori, contra cunctos homines vel feminas totius terre. Sicut superius scriptum est, sic tenebo vobis et attendam ex toto per rectam fidem, sine enganno. Per Deum et hec sancta.


Historical context:

Oath which Raymond William of Pruians made to the count and countess for the castrum of Tolone.  A castrum is an administrative unit with a fortification/castle at the center.

Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior  2.58-59, #543.

