A letter from Douce
Douce of GévaudanReceiver
Raymond Berenguer IIITranslated letter:
What is just should be committed to writing so the truth of the actions is not deleted from memory. Whence I, Dulcia, countess of Barcelona and Provence, wish to make known to all by this writing how I give and grant to you, venerable count Raymond, whom I joined in just matrimony by the disposition of God, my whole honor which I have or ought to have by paternal and maternal heredity or in any other way in Provence and in the county of Rouergue or wherever it may be, and I give it over into your power altogether so that you may have it freely and without any diminution with me, as long as I live, and after us the offspring that will come from us both, or if perchance after my death God granted you to live, you would have and possess that whole honor in peace and freely without any opposition, as long as life is your companion. And so, if anyone tried to disrupt this donation which I with willing and free spirit make to you, he must return all that he had of our domain into your power; so indeed someone unrelated must satisfy with a double penalty of payment whatever he had contrived to carry away. This was enacted on the ides of January in the 1112th year of the lord’s incarnation. Sign+ of Dulcia, countess. Sign+ of Bernard Bertrandi of Aniort. Sign+ of Raymond of Balcio. Sign+ of Guibert of Arles. Sign+ of Guillerm of Bolbon. Sign+ of Dechan of Posquières. Sign+ of Peter of Tarascon. Sign+ of William Renardi. Sign+ of Berengar Bernardi. Sign+ of Umbert of Bassilia. Sign+ of Berengar of Freixe. Sign+ of Berengar of Cheralt. Sign+ of Peter Alberic.
Original letter:
Quod iustum est, ideo litteris comendari debet ne gestorum veritas oblivione deleatur. Unde ego, Dulcia, Barchinonensis et Provincie comitissa, per hanc scripturam omnibus innotescere volo, qualiter tibi, venerabili comiti Raimundo, quem Dei disposicione mihi iusto matrimonio copulavi, dono atque concedo totum meum honorem quem habeo vel habere debeo per paternam sive maternam hereditatem vel alio modo in Provincia et in Rutenensi comitatu vel ubicumque sit, et in tuam potestatem omnino trado ut libere et sine ulla diminucione mecum, quandiu vixero, habeas et, post nos, soboles que ex nobis utrisque superstes fuerit, vel si forte post obitum meum Deus te vivere concesserit, totum ipsum honorem quiete et libere absque ulla contradicione habeas et possideas, quandiu tibi vita comes fuerit. Hanc, itaque, donacionem, quam tibi grato et libero animo facio, si quis disrumpere tentaverit, si nostre dominacionis fuerit, in potestatem tuam, cum omnibus que habuerit, redigatur; si vero, alienus, eorum que auferre molitus fuerit, dupla emendacionis. pena satisfaciat. Actum est hoc idus ianuarii anno Dominice incarnacionis mcxii. Sig+num Dulcie, comitisse. Sig+num Bernardi Bertrandi de <(A)niort>. Sig+num Raimundi de Balcio. Sig+num Guiberti Arelatensis. Sig+num Guillermi de Bolbon. Sig+num Dechani de Poscheres. Sig+num Petri de Tarascon. Sig+num Guillelmi Renardi. Sig+num Berengarii Bernardi. Sig+num Umberti de Bassilia. Sig+num Berengarii de Frexano. Sig+num Berengarii de Cheralt. Sig+num Petri Alberici.
Historical context:
Donation by Dulcia to her husband Raymond of the county of Provence and Cerritania, to be held with her as long as she lives.
Printed source:
Liber Feudorum Maior 2.347, #877.