A letter from William, count of Sancerre
William, count of SancerreReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagnePublic
Translated letter:
I W[illiam], count of Sancerre, make known to the present as well as the future that, in the presence of my dearest lady Blanche, illustrious countess of Troy, I acknowledged, and still I acknowledge well that I hold Sancerre from her, with all its appurtenances, in fief as well as in domain. – These indeed are the great fiefs which are held from Sancerre, namely: the fief of the lord of Mont-falcon, the fief of the lord of Souillac, the fief of the lord of Woevre, Léré with all its appurtenances, in fief as well as in domain. – The aforesaid, with other small fiefs that are held from them and from Sancerre, I hold from the said countess. -- Similarly, I hold from her St. Britto, with all its appurtenances, in fief as well as in domain, Castellion over Loain, with all its appurtenances, in fief as well as in domain. – For all of these my father, count Stephen of renowned memory, was the liege man of the count of Champagne. And I similarly, for all the aforesaid, am the liege man of the aforenamed countess before all men. – That however these notes should remain stable and be held as noted by the letters, I have strengthened them with the fortification of my seal. – Enacted at Nogent, in the one thousand two hundred ninth year of grace.
Original letter:
Ego W. comes Sacri-Cesaris, notum facio tam presentibus quam futuris quod, in presentia karissime domine mee Blanche, illustris comitisse Trecensis, recognovi, et adhuc bene recognosco me tenere de ipsa Sacrum-Cesaris, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, tam in feodo quam in dominio.—Hec autem sunt magna feoda que movent de Sacro-Cesaris, videlicet: feodum domini Montis-falconis, feodum domini Soilliaci (n° 15, Seilliaci), feodum domini de Woeure (n° 15, Waeure), Lereium cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, tam in feodo quam in dominio.— Hec predicta, cum aliis minutis feodis que inde movent et de Sacro-Cesaris, teneo de predicta comitissa. —Similiter teneo de ipsa Sanctum Britium, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, tam in feodo quam in dominio, Castellionem super Loain, cum omnibus pertinentiis suis, tam in feodo quam in dominio. — De hiis omnibus fuit pater meus, inclite recordationis, comes Stephanus homo ligius comitis Campanie. Et ego similiter de hiis omnibus predictis, homo ligius sum prefate comitisse ante omnes homines. —Ut autem hec nota permaneant et rata teneantur litteris annotata, sigilli mei munimine roboravi. — Actum Nogenti, anno gratie millesimo ducentesimo nono.
Historical context:
Count Williams records his acknowledgement of his holdings from the countess.
Printed source:
Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.343, #904.