A letter to the Public
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneReceiver
PublicTranslated letter:
Blanche, palatine countess of Troyes, makes known that Geoffrey, son of the marshal of Champagne, his wife Anda, and Ammelina, wife of her beloved and faithful Geoffrey of St. Remy, agreed on the alms which said Geoffrey of St. Remy made to the church of St. Remy of Reims, namely, two parts of all lands and proceeds of Rouroi with two servants, Milo and Ralph, whom said church will possess free, as long as they live. In return for which the oftmentioned Gaufrid will received fifteen pounds Provins in payment of the town of St. Remy, annually, as long as he lives. Which alms the said countess declares confirmed by her as much as pertain to her fief. – “Which that it be in force and held firm, annotated by the letters, I strengthened with the affixing of my seal. Enacted in the 1217th year of the Lord in the month of November.”
Original letter:
Blancha, comitissa Trecensis palatina, notum facit Gaufridum filium marescalli Campaniae, Andam ejus uxorem et Ammelinam, uxorem dilecti et fidelis sui Gaufridi de S. Remigio, laudavisse eleemosynam quam dictus Gaufridus de S. Remigio ecclesiae S. Remigii Remensis fecit, videlicet, duas partes omnium terrarum et proventuum de Rouroi cum duobus servientibus, Milone et Radulpho, quos dicta ecclesia, quamdiu vixerint, liberos possidebit. In quorum autem gratiam saepedictus Gaufridus quindecim libras Pruvinenses in trecensu villae S. Remigii, annuatim, quamdiu vixerit, accipiet. Quam eleemosynam praefata comitissa, quantum ad suum feodum pertinet, a se confirmatam declarat. — « Quod ut ratum sit et firmum teneatur litteris annotatum, sigilli mei appensione roboravi. Actum anno Domini millesimo ducentesimo septimodecimo, mense novembri. »
Historical context:
This is a summary of a letter in which the countess confirms an agreement on alms by the family of the original giver.
Printed source:
Layettes du Trésor des Chartes, 1.454, #1270.