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A letter from Emma


Emma of Provence
William III of Toulouse



Translated letter:

I William, count of Toulouse, and my wife Emma, etc., we make a donation to the almighty Lord and to the monastery of St. Victor his martyr, to the abbots and monks serving God there, of one property which is in the county of Sisteron, in the town which they call Manosque, which a man by the name Gratianus tends, etc.  This donation is made in the 1024th year of the Incarnation of the lord, in the reign of Rudoph, king of the Germans.  Sign, I William count and my wife Ema, [we] who ordered this charter to be done, etc.

Original letter:

Ego Willelmus, comes Tolosanus, & uxor mea Ema, &c., facimus donationem omnipotenti Domino, & sancto Victori suo martyri ejus monasterio, abbatibus ac monachis ibidem Deo servientibus, de uno manso qui est in comitatu Sisterico, in villa quam vocant Manoasca, quem excolit homo nomine Gratianus, &c. Facta donatio ista anno Incarnationis dominicae mxxiv, in­dictione septima, regnante Rodulpho rege Alamannorum. Signum ego Willelmus co­mes & uxor mea Ema, qui hanc cartam fieri jussimus, &c.


Historical context:

Donation by the count and countess of property at Manosque in Sisteron to the abbey of St. Victor of Marseilles.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc 5.377, #182.1, CLVI.
