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A letter from the brothers of Saint Remy of Reims


The brothers of Saint Remy of Reims


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

To the illustrious lady and dearest in Christ Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, Thibaut subprior, P. cantor, and the other brothers of the monastery of St. Remy of Reims, [send] greetings and devout prayers.  We  inform your highness that that pact which you have with our venerable father abbot Peter over the town of Courcelles as contained in the document of which you retained one half, we approve and hold right.  In testimony of which thing we send you the present page strengthened by our seal.  Enacted in the year of grace 1213, in the month of December.

Original letter:

Illustri domine et in Christo karissime B(lanche) Trecensis comitisse palatine, Th(eobaldus) subprior, P. cantor ceterique fratres monasterii Sancti Remigii Remensis, salutem et orationes devotas. Sublimitati vestre significamus, quod pactionem illam quam habetis cum venerabili patre nostro P(etro) abbate sub villa de Corcelles sicut continetur in scedula cujus medietatem retinuistis, ratam habemus et approbamus. In cujus rei testimonium presentem paginam sigilli nostri munimine roboratam vobis transmittimus. Actum anno gratie M CC terciodecimo, mense decembri. C

Historical context:

The brothers inform the countess that they approve of her pact with their abbot.

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 89-90, #63.  Reprinted with permission of the press.


1213, December