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A letter from Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

Alix, duchess of Burgundy, to her dearest faithful Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, greetings and fullness of love.  We announce, we ask and require/request that you make your letters of conduct for Ponce of Lyon according to the form of letters of conduct which said Ponce has from us.  We also ask you that you be a pledge to said Ponce for the firm observance of the conduct according to the form of our letters.  And if you incur some harm in this, we will be held to restore all the harm fully.  Enacted in the year of the Lord 1219, on the Monday after the feast of St. Andrew.

Original letter:

Alaydis ducissa Burgundie karissime et fideli sue Blanche comitisse Trecensis palatine, salutem, et amoris plenitudinem. Mandamus vobis rogamus et requirimus, quatinus Pontio de Lugduno litteras vestras de conductu faciatis secun­dum formam litterarum quas a nobis habet dictus Pontius de conductu. Rogamus vos etiam quod sitis erga dictum Pontium plegia de conductu secun­dum formam litterarum nostrarum firmiter observando. Et si in hoc aliquid dampnum incurreretis, nos vobis omnia dampna tenemur penitus restaurare. Actum anno Domini M CC nonodecimo, die lune post festum sancti Andree.

Historical context:

The duchess informs the countess that she has granted a safe-conduct to Ponce of Chaponnay and asks her to do the same, promising to make good any harm that might come of it.

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 108-09, #88.  Reprinted with permission of the press.



1219, December 2