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A letter from the church of Soissons


Simon, provost, and the chapter of Soissons


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

To the illustrious lady Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes.  Simon, provost, Guy, dean, and the whole chapter of the church of Soissons, greetings and honor.  You should know for certain that we wish you to be a participant in all the benefits and prayers of our church, and also of all the good things that may be in our church.  We grant also to you that when it happens that you depart from this light, we shall do readings solemnly at your new anniversary and also in any year in perpetuity for your soul.  In memory of which we have had our letters sent to you under the witness of our seal.  Enacted in the 1221st year of the Lord, in the month of March.

Original letter:

Illustri domine B(lanche) comitisse Trecensis palatine. S(imon) prepositus, G(uido) decanus, totumque Suessionensis ecclesie capitulum salutem et honorem.  Pro certo sciatis, quod nos volumus vos esse participem omnium beneficorum et orationum ecclesie nostre, et etiam omnium bonorum que in ecclesie nostra fiunt. Concedimus etiam vobis quod quando vos de hac luce migrare contingerit, anniversarium vestrum sollempniter ad novem lectiones, et etiam quolibet anno in perpetuum pro anima vestra faciemus. In cujus rei memoriam vobis litteras nostras sub sigilli nostri attestatione duximus transmittendas. Actum anno Domini M CC vicesimo primo, mense martio. 

Historical context:

The church of Soissons informs the countess of their prayers and planned services for her (cf.#102, Epistolae 25838.html) thanks for her benefactions).

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 219, #234.  Reprinted with permission of the press.



1222, March