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A letter from the nuns of Annecy


The nuns of Annecy


Blanche of Navarre, Countess of Champagne

Translated letter:

To the illustrious lady Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, dearest in Christ, Th., prioress, and the convent of nuns of Annecy, greetings in the Lord and the grace of prayers.  You should know that in the problem that arose between us on one side and the abbot and chapter of Notre-Dame of Vertus on the other over ten pounds, which were assigned to us by Eustache, late lord of Conflans in the land of lady Adelaide in perpetual alms, and over the 60 solidi in the market stalls of Vertus bequeathed to us by that same Eustache, we submitted in arbitration to you, to whatever regulations according to the reasoning of deeds and arguments of each side will be held firm, so that if perhaps disagreement, let it not be, should yet arise over the arbitrated solution, we would be brought back to agreement through your bailiff, Morel.  Enacted in the 1218th year of the Lord, in the month of November.

Original letter:

Illustri domine Blanche Trecensis comitisse palatine, in Christo karissime, Th. priorissa et conventus monialium de Andeceiis, salutem in Domino et orationum munus. Noveritis quod nos super causa que verteretur inter nos ex una parte et abbatem et capitulum Beate Marie de Virtuto ex altera super decem libris, ipsis ab Eustachio quondam domino de Covelans in terra domine Aelidis in perpetuam elemosinam assignatis, et super LX solidis in stallis de Virtuto nobis legatis ab eidem E(ustachio) in vos compromisimus, quicquid ordinamentis habita ratione munimentorum et rationum utriusque partis ratum habituri, ita tamen quod si forte discordia quod absit super compromisso oriretur, per Motellum baillivum vestrum ad concordiam super hoc reduceremur. Actum anno Domino M CC octavodecimo, mense novembri.

Historical context:

The nuns of Annecy accept the countess as their arbiter in a dispute with monks.

Printed source:

The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 320, #364.  Reprinted with permission of the press.


1218, November