A letter from four brothers of Dreux
Four brothers of DreuxReceiver
Blanche of Navarre, Countess of ChampagneTranslated letter:
To their revered lady Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, Robert, first-born of count Robert, lord of Dreux and Braine, and his brothers Peter, Henry, and John, greetings and love. You should know that we and countess Yolande [of Coucy], our dearest mother, have agreed on her dower, that with our consent and will, she will hold the land of Braine, Arcy and Fère-en Tardenois as long as she lives, as the countess Agness of good memory held them in her time, except for the town of Geni and the forest of Rec, which she released to us, on which she has our letters patent. Whence we report to you and ask that you confirm to said countess our mother her said dower, as contained in the charter which she has from you on this.
Original letter:
Reverende domine sue B(lanche) comitisse Trecensis palatine, R(obertus) primogenitus comitis Rob(erti), domini Drocarum et Braine, et fratres ejus P(etrus), H(enricus), and J(ohannus), salutem et dilectionem. Noveretis quod nos et Yol(andis) comitissa karissima mater nostra ita composuimus super dote ejus, quod de assensu et voluntate nostra quoad vixerit in integro tenebit terram Brane et Arstei et Tardeneti, sicut eam tenuit bone memorie Agnes comitissa temporibus suis, exceptis villa de Geni, et foresta de Rec, quas nobis quitavit, super quo litteras nostra habet patentes. Unde vobis mandamus et rogamus, quatinus dicte comitisse mater nostre dictam dotem suam confirmare velitis, sicut continetur in karta quam super hoc habet de vobis.
Historical context:
Four brothers of Dreux ask the countess to confirm their life-time dower to their mother of land their grandmother had held.
Printed source:
The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, edited by Theodore Evergates, © The Medieval Academy of America 2010 (University of Toronto Press, 2009), 340-41, #385. Reprinted with permission of the press.