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A letter from Alix


Alix of Vergy, duchess of Burgundy



Translated letter:

I Alix, duchess of Burgundy.  I make known to those present as well as future that I promised and having touched the holy Gospels signed with my own hand that I would be in peace with lady Blanche, countess palatine of Troyes, and with Thibaut son of that countess of Champagne, and that I would help them in good faith and good spirit against Erard of Brienne and his wife Philippa and against the queen of Cyprus, daughter of Henry, the late count of Champagne and their heirs and allies, with the approval and counsel of the venerable father bishop Robert of Claremont.  In witness of which thing I have had the present letter made and strengthened with the protection of my seal.  Enacted in the year of the Lord 1218, in the month of July.

Original letter:

Ego A[lix] ducissa Burgundie. Notum facio tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego promisi & tactis sacrosanctis Evangeliis propria manu firmavi me fore in pace cum domina Blancha comitissa Trecensi[s] palatina, & cum Theobaldo filio ejusdem comitisse Campaniae, & me eosdem adjuturam bona fide & bono animo contra Erardum de Brena, & uxorem ejus Philippam & contra reginam Cypri filiam Henrici quondam comitis Campaniae & eorum heredes & coadjutores ipsorum, ad laudem et consilium venerabilis patris Roberti episcopi Claremontensis. In cujus rei testimonium presentem cartam feci fieri & sigilli mei munimine roborari. Actum anno Domini M CC XVIII, mense julio.


Historical context:

The duchess affirms her commitment of peace and aid to countess Blanche of Champagne and her son Thibaut in their conflict over claims to the county of Champagne with Erard of Brienne, his wife Philippa of Champagne, and her sister Alix, queen of Cyprus.  In December, 1221, the duchess will confirm letters of Erard and Philippa giving up their claims: "I therefore in witness of all these, at the request [of said Erard and Philippa] gave the present page reinforced by the impression of my seal to said countess B[lanche] and her son Th[ibaut], approving and, as far as it pertains to me, confirming it. Enacted in the one thousand two hundred twenty first year of grace, in the month of December" (Ego igitur in horum omnium testimonium, ad petitionem [dictorum Erardi et Philippe] presentem paginam sigilli mei impressione roboratam supradictis B. comitisse et Th. nato ejus tradidi, approbans eadem, et, quantum ad me pertinet, confirmans. Actum anno gratie millesimo ducentesimo vicesimo primo, mense decembri), Layettes du Trésor, 1.534, #1486 .


Printed source:

André Duchesne, Histoire généalogique de la maison de Vergy (Cramoisy, 1625), Preuves, p.155.  Also in The Cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne, #169.


1218, July