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A letter from Beatrice, Bernard Pelet, and William of Montpellier


Beatrice of Melgueil
Bernard Pelet
William of Montpellier



Translated letter:

These mandates, as they are written above and defined by the decision of the named persons, by order of the late pope Calixtus [II], Beatrice countess of Melgueil, daughter of Guillelma and count Bernard, approved, and Bernard Pelet, count of Melgueil her husband, with William lord of Montpelliers and William with them that they would hold [them] and observe [them] and in all other disagreements which they had.  And about the name of the castrum of Montferrier, which was left to William and his successors by them without any dispute, they made full peace in faith and without deception to each other, which peace that it be held more firmly in perpetuity William swore to countess Beatrice and count Bernard her husband, and they swore to William over the four holy gospels of God, that they would hold firmly and not breach, not they nor any man or woman by their counsel or contrivance, and if they did so unwitting within 40 days after either was notified by the other either in person or through  a messenger, who had breached it would fully make good.  These were enacted at Moulins in the month of March, in the year 1145 from the Incarnation, in the presence of Bernard of Pignan, Fredolon of Arsac,  G. Ariald, Peter de Cournon, Raymond of Vailhauques, Bremond of Issunas, Peter Gibilin, Peter Seguer, William of Verdun, Bertrand Gombald, Peter Gerbert, John of Cabrieres, William of Boucoiran, William of Mairois, William of Rosso, Bertrand of St. Stephen, William of St. Stephen, Berengar of Mesoa, Pons, canon of Arsac, Arnald of Chateauneuf on the part of William; Trencavel, Raymond Fulc, William Raymond Seneschal, Gaucelin of Claret, Pons of Montlaur, William Ray­mond of Caylar, Raymond Pons of Lunel, Pons of Mesoa, G. Ebrad, Bernard of Lisle,  Peter Bremond of Aymargues, Olric Adalguer, William of Sardonicis, master Raynald, William Urban, William Lentic, Atbrand, Berengar Lambert, Bernard Lambert, William Gerbald, John Britulsi, William Ariald, William Atbrand, Gerald Atbrand, Peter of Alcine, William Pe­ter, Bernard Arnald of L’Arenas, Peter Gerald of Barcelonnette, Andrea doctor, Pons Bege, Berengar brother of Pons of Mesoa, Bertrand Catalan, Gerbert of Arles, Raymond Lambert. 

Original letter:

Haec mandata, sicut superius scripta sunt & per arbitrium praedictarum personarum ejusdem papae Calixti jussu quondam diffinita, laudavit Beatrix comitissa Melgoriensis, Guillelmae & Bernardi comitis filia, & Bernardus Peleti comes Melgorii maritus ejus Guillelmo Montispessulani domino & Guillelmus ipsis quod ita teneant & observent & de omnibus aliis quaerimoniis quae inter eos erant. Et ex nomine de castro Montisferrarii, quod Guillelmo & successoribus suis ab eis sine omni controversia est relictum, plenarium finem per fidem & sine enganno ad invicem fecerunt, quem finem ut firmior in perpetuum habeatur juravit Guillel­mus Beatrici comitissae & Bernardo comiti viro ejus, & ipsi juraverunt Guil­lelmo super sancta quatuor Dei Evangelia, firmiter teneant & non infringant nec ipsi nec homo nec foemina eorum consilio vel ingenio, & si nescii fecerint infra xl dies proximos postquam commonitus fuerit alter ab altero vel per se vel per nuncium suum, integre restituat ille qui infregit. Acta sunt autem haec apud Molinas, mense martii, anno ab Incarnationis dominicae mcxlv, sub praesentia Bernardi de Pinnano, Fredolonis d'Arsas, G. Arialdi, Petri de Cornone, Raimundi de Vallauques, Bremundi d'Issunas, Petri Gibilini, Petri Seguerii, Guillelmi de Verdu, Bertrandi Gombaldi, Petri Girberti, Joannis de Cabreira, Guilelmi de Bocoiran, Guillelmi de Mairois, Guillelmi de Rosso, Bertrandi de Sancto Stephano, Guillelmi de Sancto Stephano, Berengarii de Mesoa, Poncii d'Arsas canonici, Arnaldi de Castronovo ex parte Guillelmi; Trencavelli, Raimundi Fulconis, Guillelmi Raimundi Senescalc, Gaucelini de Claret, Poncii de Montelauro, Guillelmi Rai­mundi de Castlar, Raimundi Poncii de Lunello, Poncii de Mesoa , G. Ebrardi, Bernardi de Insula, Petri Bremundi de Armasanicis, Olrici Adalguerii, Guillelmi de Sardonicis, magistri Rainaldi, Guil­lelmi Urbani, Guillelmi Lentici, Atbrandi, Berengarii Lamberti, Bernardi Lamberti, Guillelmi Girbaldi, Joannis Britulsi, Guil­lelmi Arialdi, Guillelmi Atbrandi, Giraldi Atbrandi, Petri de Aucinia, Guillelmi Pe­tri, Bernardi Arnaldi de Arenis, Petri Giraldi de Barchinona, Andrea medici , Poncii Bege, Berengarii fratris Poncii de Mesoa, Bertrandi Catalani, Girberti d'Arles, Raimundi Lamberti. 

Historical context:

This document records the resolution between the countess and her husband, on one side, and William of Montpellier on the other, of a long-standing disagreement between them.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.1077-79, #561.1, CCCCLXVI.
