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A letter from Beatrice


Beatrice of Melgueil



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord, in the year of the Incarnation 1159, in the month of March.  I Beatrice, countess of Melgueil, etc., give and hand over in perpetuity as allod to the Lord God and the sick of Pont Castelnau ….  four quarter acres of vines of free allod with the earth they are in, etc., which my mother Guillelma recovered from William Peter, etc.  I, countess Beatrice, wish this whole donation, and with good spirit and without any retention, I give it to the Lord God and St. Lazarus, and the sick living there, etc.  This donation was made at Pignan, in the hand of Sicard, steward of that place, witnessed by countess Guillelma, her mother, Raymond of Montferrier, etc.

Original letter:

In nomine Domini, anno dominicae Incarnationis MCLIX, mense martii.  Ego Beatrix comitissa Melgorii, &c. dono & trado in perpetuum pro allodio Domino Deo & infirmis de ponte Castrinovi .... IV quarteriatas vinearum allodii liberi cum terra in qua sunt, &c., quas mater mea Guillelma de Guillelmo Petro recuperavit, &c.  Volo totam hanc donationem ego Beatrix comitissa, & bono animo & absque ulla retentione Domino Deo dono & sancto Lazario & infirmis ibidem degentibus, &c.  Haec donatio facta fuit ad Pinum, in manu Sicardi ministri ejusdem loci, in testimonio Guillelmae comitissae matris suae, Raymundi de Monteferrario, &c.

Historical context:

The countess makes a donation of vineyards to the sick of Castelnau.

Printed source:

Histoire Générale de Languedoc, 5.1225, #628.2.


1159, March