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A letter of donation


Arnau Mir of Tost



Translated letter:

In the name of Christ.  I Arnau and my spouse Arsenda wish it to be known by all in the present as well as the future that we make a charter of franchise to all the inhabitants that are and will be in the town of St. Julian that recognizes the rule within the boundaries of the castrum of Ager, so that they build a town in said Regola and live in it, cultivate the earth and buy [and sell] and make it prosperous  in every way they can in the boundaries of said castrum of Ager.  And we grant them and give said town with its boundary to the sanctuary of the church of St. Peter.  And all men who will live in said town need not pay rent or tribute to any man or woman for what they have or might bring about in the future within all the boundaries of the castrum of Ager, but be free (franchi et liberi) and give tithes and first fruits and offerings to the Lord God and St. Peter and so they serve our abbots which through us and ours held the abbey of St. Peter, and do this with bread and wine and meat and animals.  And it is manifest.  If anyone attempted to attack this charter of franchise or wished to disturb it, he could not prevail, but must pay said men four pounds of the best gold, and this charter will remain firm in this for all time and not be disturbed.

This charter of franchise was made on the 6th nones of May in the 18th year of king Henry.  Sign+ of Arnau.  Sign of Arsenda, we who asked that this charter of franchise be written and signed it with our own hands and asked witnesses to sign.  Sign+ of Raymond, abbot.  Sign+ of Miro, priest (presbitero).  Sign+ of Miro, deacon.  Sign+ of Ermemir, priest (sacer).  Sign+ of John Galcalon.  Sign+ of Berengar Isarn. Sign+ of Gaucerand Erimann.  Sign+ of Dalmacius Bernard.  Sign+ of Guifred Sanlan.  Sign+ of Eschofet.  Vitalis, priest, wrote this as asked on the day and + year mentioned.  

Original letter:

In Christi nomine. Ego Arnallus et coniux mea Arsendis volumus ut sciatur a cunctis tam presentibus quam futuris quia facimus cartam franchitatis ad omnibus habitantibus qui sunt et erunt in villa Sancti Iuliani quod vocitatur regulam qui est infra terminos castri Ageris, eo modo ut edificent villam in prefata Regula et habitent in ea, trahant terram ad culturam et emant et examplent omnibus modis quecumque facere potuerint in prefati castri Ageris terminis. Et concedimus eis et damus predictam villam cum suo termino ad sacrarium Ecclesie Sancti Petri. Et omnes homines qui habitaverint in predictam villam, non faciant censum neque usaticum ulli homini nec femine de hoc quod habent vel in antea potuerint exemplare in cunctis terminis castri Ageris, set sint franchi et liberi et donent decimas et primicias et oblaciones Domino Deo et Sancto Petro et ut serviant nostris Abbatibus qui per nos et nostri tenuerint Abaciam Sancti Petri, et hoc faciant de pane et vino et carne atque animalia. Et est manifestum. Si quis hanc cartam franchitatis temptaverit aut inquierare voluerit, non hoc valeat vindicare, set componat supradictis hominibus libras quatuor auri optimi, et in ista carta firmis permaneat omnique tempore et nos (sic) sit disrupta.

Facta carta franchitatis VI nonas mai anno XVIII regis Enrici. Sig+num Arnalli. Sig+num Arsenedis, qui hanc cartan franchitatis scribere robavimus et manibus propriis firmavimus et testibus firmare roga­vimus. Sig+num Raimundi, Abbatis. Sig+num Miro, presbitero. Sig+num Mironi, levita. Sig+num Ermemirus, sacer. Sig+num Iohan Galcalon. Sig+num Berengarii Isarni. Sig+num Gaucerandi Erimanni. Sig+num Dalmacii Bernardi. Sig+num Guifredi Sanlani. Sig+num Eschofeti. Vitalis, sacerdos, rogatus, scripsit sub die et anno + predicto. 

Historical context:

The viscounts enfranchise the inhabitants of San Julian de la Regola, provided they build a town subject to the church of St. Peter of Ager.  They will owe tithes only to that church, otherwise they will be free. A castrum is an administrative unit including a fortified castle.  

Printed source:

Pedro Sanahuja, Historia de la Villa de Ager (Barcelona:  Editorial Seráfica, 1961), 328, #16.


1049, May 2