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A letter of donation


Berengar Ramon, count of Barcelona
Ermessenda of Carcassonne



Translated letter:

In the name of the Lord.  I Berengar, count by the grace of God, together with my mother countess Ermessenda, are donors to the house of St. Mary of the see of Girona of our allod which we have in the county of Empordà in a place called Ullastret, and in Vellosos and in Tres Miseros, that is houses, courts, gardens, lands, vineyards, meadows, pastures, woods, uncultivated lands and the pond that is there, with the churches that are there, cultivated and uncultivated land, with all their tributes and payments, and with all their adjacencies or boundaries, and all these came to me Berengar through the right of my father Raymond, late count, which he acquired by donation or sale from the late count Guislabert and his brother Hugh/Ugo, and to me Ermessenda by my tenth and by whatever right and authority, and these allods abut on one side the boundary of Fontanilia and Palacio, and on the other side it joins the boundary of Canipostel and Canepost, and crosses through that boundary of Lanera and Mount Tiro and crosses to the boundary of Mount Fonellar beyond the river Adaron, and on the third side it joins Mount Fonellar and its boundaries and the boundaries of Cabliavel and Mata Judica, and reaches the boundary of Villar Glecio and Acunnano and Serra which they call Manuald and Acunnanel, and crosses through that boundary of Libian to the boundary of Fontanilias.   As much as these abutments include, we give and grant those allods to God and St. Mary of the see of Girona, and those churches which are in them and written above, in their entirety, with their exits and entries, for the love of God and remedy of the soul of count Raymond and the remission of our sins, and thus since we acknowledge that the said allods, that is Velloso with its boundaries by right should be [held by] St. Mary of the see of Girona, as it is called in the royal order, since it has been many years and times past that said St. Mary acquired it by order of the king.  Which if we donors or any man or woman should bring any suit against this document of donation or wish to cause harm or damage or attempt to break it, he could not achieve what he sought but would be compelled to pay double the said allod with improvements to said St. Mary, and henceforth this document of donation would remain firm for all time.

This document of donation was made on the day before the kalends of July in the 23rd year of the reign of king Robert.

+Berengar count signed, sign+ of Ermessenda, countess by the grace of God, we who together as one made this charter of donation and signed it and signed and asked others to sign.  Sign+ of Udalard.  Sign+ of Amado, viscount.  Sign+ of Raymond (sign of his hand).  Auderic priest. 

Uvifred, abbot by the grace of God, who wrote this charter of donation as asked, on the day and year above (sign of his hand).  

Original letter:

In nomine Domini. Ego Berengarius gratia Dei comes, simul cum genitrice mea Ermessendis comitissa donatores sumus ad domum Sancte Marie sedis Gerunda alodem nostrum quod abemus in comitatu Impuritanense, in locum quem dicunt Uliastret et in Uellosos et in Tres Miseros, idest casas, curtes, ortos, terras, uineas, pratis, pascuis, siluis, garricis et cum ipso stagno qui ibidem est et cum ipsas ecclesias que ibidem sunt, cultum et heremum cum omni funcione uel redibitione earum et cum omnes agencentias [aiacentias] uel termines earum, et aduenit hec omnia ad me Berengario per uocem genitori meo Raimundo quondam comite, quod ille acquisiuit per donatione uel uindicione quondam Guislaberti comitis uel Ugoni fratri suo, et ad me Ermesendis per meum decimum uel per qualicumque uoce uel auctoritate, et abent affrontationes ipsi alaudes de una latus in terminio de Fontanilias uel de Palacio, et de alia latus subiungit in terminio de Canipostel uel de Canepost, et peruadit per ipso termino de Laneras uel de Monte Tirone et peruadit usque ad terminio de Monte Fonellario ultra flumen Adarone, et de tercio latus nectitur in Monte Fonellario uel in eius termines uel in terminos de Cabliauels siue de Mata Iudica et peruenit usque ad terminos de Uillare Glecio uel de Acunnano uel de Serra que dicunt Manualdo uel de Acunnanel, et peruadit per ipsum terminum de Libiano usque ad ipsum terminio de Fontanilias. Quantum infra istas totas affrontationes includunt, sic donamus et concedimus ipsos alodes Deo et Sancta Maria sedis Gerunda, uel ipsas ecclesias qui infra et supra ipsos alodes suprascriptos sunt, totum ab integro, cum exiis et regressis earum propter amorem Dei et remedium anime Raimundi comitis nostrorumque remissio peccatorum, et ideo quia recognouimus quod predictos alodes idest Uellosos cum suos termines per directum debent fieri de Sancta Maria sedis Gerunda, sicut in ipso precepto regali resonat, quia iam multa annorum est tempora transacta quod eum acquisiuit per preceptum regis predicta Sancta Maria. Quod si nos donatores aud ullus homo uel femina qui contra hanc scripturam donationis aliquam intulerit litem aut inferre uoluerit uim aut molestiam, aut uenerit pro inrumpendum, non hoc ualeat uindicare quod inquisierit, sed in duplo exsoluere cogatur prefatum alode cum sua immelioratione a prefata Sancta Maria, et in antea ista scriptura donationis firma permaneat omnique tempore.

Facta ista scriptura donationis pridie kalendas iulii anno .xx. tercio regnante Rodberto rege.

+Berengarius comes sss, sig+num Erminsindis gratia Dei comitissa, qui pariter in unum hanc cartam donationis fecimus et firmauimus et firmauimus et firmare rogauimus. Sig+num Udalardus. Sig+num Amadus uices comes. Sig+num Reimundus. (s. man.) Audericus presbiter.

Uuifredus gracia Dei abba, qui ista carta donationis rogatus scripsit et sub (s. man.) die et anno quo supra.


Historical context:

The countess and her son Berengar donate an allod at Ullastret to the see of Girona for the soul of the late count and their own sins.

Printed source:

Cartoral, dit de Carlemany, del bisbe de Girona (S.IX-XIV), ed. Josep Maria Marquès (Barcelona:  Fundació Noguera, 1993), 2 v.,  1.169-71, #76.  


1018, June 30