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A letter from Adela


Adela of England, Countess of Blois



Translated letter:

In the name of God.  I, countess Adela of Blois, with count Thibaud and other children of mine, give to God and Sainte Foy of Conques and abbot Boniface and the monks of that place, present and future, a certain allod of ours which is in the land of Saints with our fief-holders namely Gerard and Robert of Turre and their children who, led by the love of God and of us, granted this same land which they hold from us  to Ste Foy.  We acquired this same land for the use of Ste Foy from other minor fief-holders who held from them for the price of twelve pounds, whose names are:  Ebrard, Malus Vicinus, his brother Jugo, Hugh of Carreira, Bernard son of lady Mohaldis and his sister Dedelma, Agon and Roger son of Lanbert, Constancius and his children.  Similarly we grant to Ste Foy another land and woods which is called Tresmes, according to what the monks had acquired from those fief-holders for a price, with all the customs that pertain to us; the names of those fief-holders are:  Bernard and his wife Alburgis, Walter and his brother Arosius, Uldegar, Vetula, Hugh of Chausi, Constancius and his children.

Sign of countess Adela.  Sign of count Thibaud.  Sign of Gerard of Turre.  Sign of Erbert provost of Coulommiers.  Sign of Berner of Mount Engles(?).  This charter was made during the reign of Louis, king of the Franks. 

Original letter:

In Dei nomine.  Ego Adela Blesensis comitissa cum Teobaldo comite et aliis filiis meis dono Deo et sancte Fidi de Conchis et abbati Bonefacio monachisque tam praesentibus quam futuris ejusdem loci quoddam nostrum alodium quod est in terra de Sanz cum fevalibus nostris, Gerardo videlicet et Rotberto de Turre et filiis eorum qui hanc eamdem terram quam de nobis tenentes, ducti amore Dei et nostro, beatae Fidi concesserunt.  Ab aliis vero minoribus fevalibus qui de istis tenebant hanc eamdem terram precio duodecim librarum ad opus beatae Fidis conquesivimus, quorum hec sunt nomina:  Ebrardus, Malus Vicinus, Jugo frater ejus, Hugo de Carreira, Bernaredus domine Mohaldis filius et soror ejus Dedelma, Agono et Rotgerius filius Lanberti, Constancius et filii ejus.  Illam vero aliam terram et boscum quod vocatur Tremlet, secundum quod ipsi monachi ab ipsis fevalibus precio conquisierunt, cum omni consuetudine que ad nos pertinet similiter beate Fidi concedimus; quorum fevalium nomina hec sunt:  Bernardus et Alburgis uxor ejus, Gualterius et Arosius frater ejus, Uldegarius, Vetula, Hugo de Chausi, Constancius et filii ejus.

S[ignum] Adela comitissae.  S. Teobaldi comitis.  S. Gerardi de Turre. S. Erberti Columbariensis praepositi.  S. Bernerii de Monte Engleedis. – Facta carta ista regnante Ludovico rege Francorum.


Historical context:

The charter records the  gift of an allod from the countess and her sons to the abbey of Ste Foy, including land held by fief-holders who were reimbursed for it.  For more about the people involved, see  LoPrete, Adela of Blois, Appendix 1, #127, who notes that the date of the charter is assumed from the fact that it was issued in the reign of Louis VI, which began in 1108.          

Printed source:

Cartulaire de l'Abbaye de Conques en Rouergue, ed. Gustave Desjardins(Paris:  Picard, 1879), 353-54, #486.

