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A letter of donation from Adela


Adela of England, Countess of Blois



Translated letter:

Be it known to all that I, Adela countess of Blois, grant that those things which I gave to Hugh, lord abbot of Tiron and his monks, for remission of my sins, in the woods of Silvia Lognia (Long Forest) and at Russy, and [things] that I will give and that the men of my fief have given and will give them are to be held in perpetuity.  I approved this gift in the presence of Geoffrey, bishop of Chartres, and Peter, prior of St. Lomer, and John of Haute-Bruyères, and Andrew of Baudement, and Hunfrid, my chaplain, in my chamber at Provins.

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus quoniam ego Adela, Blesensis comitissa, ea que dedi Hugoni, domno abbati Tyronensi, et monachis suis, pro peccatorum meorum remissione, et in Silvenonensi nemore et apud Ruissi, et que datura sum, et en que homines mei de feodo meo eis dederunt vel dabunt im perpetuum tenendum esse concedo.  Hoc autem donum laudavi, presente Goffredo, Carnotensi episcopo, et Petro, priore Sancti-Launomari, et Johanne de Alta-Brueria, et Andrea de Baldimento, et Hunfrido capellano meo, in Pruvinensi camera mea.

Historical context:

The letter confirms donations to the monastery of Tiron by the countess and her men.  For comments about the date and the name of the presiding abbot, see LoPrete, Adela of Blois, 507, #105.

Printed source:

Lucien Merlet, Cartulaire de ‘abbaye de Sainte Trinité de Tiron (Chartres, Garnier, 1883), 2v., 1.28-29, #14.  


1119 (?)