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A letter of donation


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
Robert II, count of Flanders


The faithful

Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity.  I Robert, count of Flanders, to all the children of holy church, greetings.  Let it be assured to the faithful that I and my wife Clementia, [we] have given in perpetuity a sheeprun in the town of Lon which Walbert and Odolf hold, and a load of herrings, each year, from the toll of Gravelines, to St. Mary in Bourbourg, for the use of the nuns serving God there.  Which, lest anyone dare to break or diminish, I have confirmed with my seal.  Enacted at Bourbourg, in the year of the Lord 1107, 12th kalends of April, witnessed by Bernard, chaplain; Bertin, chaplain; Theoderic/Thierry, notary; Reinier of Wingni; Thibaut of Aria; Reinger, seneschal; Baldwin, chamberlain; Temard, castellan of Bourbourg; Froolf, castellan of Bergis; Odger, notary; Gotmar, waiter; Malger, his brother; Odulf, chamberlain; Rodulf, his son; Bernold of Insula; Malger and John, his son.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Ego Robertus, comes Flandrie, omnibus sancte ecclesie filiis salutem. Certum sit fidelium posteritati, quod ego, et uxor mea, Clementia, berquariam in villa Lon sitam, quam Walbertus et Odolfus tenent, et unum last allecis (sic), per singulos annos, de theoloneo de Greveningge, sancte Marie in Broburch, in usum sanctimonialium ibidem Deo servientium, perpetuo donavimus. Quod ne quis audeat vel infringere, vel minuere, sigillo meo confirmavi. Actum Broburgh, anno Domini M°. C°. VII, xii°  kalendas Aprilis, sub testimonio Bernardi, capellani; Bertini, capellani; Theoderici, notarii; Reineri de Wingni; Tedboldi de Aria; Reingeri, dapiferi; Balduini, camerarii; Temardi, castellani de Broburg; Froolfi, castellani de Bergis; Odgeri, notarii; Gotmari, sculteti; Malgeri, fratris eius; Odulfi, camerarii; Rodulfi, filii eius; Bernoldi de Insula; Malgeri, et Iohannis, filii eius.

Historical context:

The count and countess give a sheeprun in Lon and a load of herrings to the nuns of St. Mary of Bourbourg.

Printed source:

Un cartulaire de l’abbaye de Notre Dame de Bourbourg, ed. Ignace de Coussemaker (Lille:  Cucoulombier, 1882-91), 1.4-5, #5; also in F. Vercauteren, Actes des Comtes de Flandres, 1071-1128 [Brussels:  Palais des Academies 1938], #36, p.102-03.



1107, March 21