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A letter of donation


Clementia of Burgundy, countess of Flanders
Robert II, count of Flanders


Translated letter:

In the name of the holy and individual Trinity.  I Robert, count of Flanders, to all the children of holy church.  Be it known to every generation to come that I and my wife, Clementia, have given new land, called Sandeshove, that has grown from silting of the sea, and whatever increases in future, over the river Yser, to St. Mary in Bourbourg, completely for the use of the nuns serving God there.  Lest any enemy of the church of St. Mary dare to breach or diminish this in future, I have confirmed it with the impression of my seal.  Enacted at Bergen, in the 1112th year of the Lord, 6th kalends of June, under the witness of Bernard, chaplain; Fromold, notary; Thierry notary; Reiner of Wingni; Baldwin, chamberlain; Reinger, seneschal; Thierry of Aria; Ade of Formasela, Hugo, chamberlain; Rodolf of Batpalmis, Robert Greci; Fromold of Wingene; Reingot of Molembeke; Rodolf of Coclare; Froolfi, castellan of Bergen.

Original letter:

In nomine sancte et individue Trinitatis. Ego Robertus, comes Flandrie, omnibus sancte ecclesie filiis. Notum sit generationi omni que ventura est quod ego, et uxor mea, Clementia, novam terram, nomine Sandeshove, que per iactum maris iam crevit, et quicquid in posterum accrescet, super fluvium Ysare sitam, sancte Marie in Broburg, in usum sanctimonialium ibidem Deo famulantium, integre donavimus. Quod ne quis sancte Marie ecclesie inimicus, imposterum audeat infringere, aut minuere, sigilli mei impressione confirmavi. Actum Bergis, anno Domini M°. C°. XII°, vi° kalendas Iunii, sub testimonio Bernardi, capellani; Fromoldi, notarii; Theoderici, notarii; Reineri de Wingni; Balduini, camerarii; Reingeri, dapiferi; Theobaldi de Aria; Ade de Formasela, Hugonis, camerarii; Rodolfi de Batpalmis; Roberti Greci ; Fromoldi de Wingni; Reingoti de Molembeke; Rodolfi de Coclare; Froolfi, castellani de Bergis.

Historical context:

The count and countess give the abbey of Bourbourg recently drained land called Sandeshove (Nieuport), and lands that would be cultivated along the Yser river.  The document is dated 1112, but Robert died in 1111, so the date is either wrong or indicates a later copy.

Printed source:

Un cartulaire de l’abbaye de Notre Dame de Bourbourg, ed. Ignace de Coussemaker (Lille:  Cucoulombier, 1882-91), 1.9-10, #13; also in F. Vercauteren, Actes des Comtes de Flandres, 1071-1128 [Brussels:  Palais des Academies 1938], #37, p.103-05.


?1112, May 27