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A letter-will from Petronilla


Petronilla of Aragon



Translated letter:

We wish it to come to the notice of all (cunctorum) that I Peronella, queen of Aragon, lying and laboring in birth at Barcelona, grant, give and firmly approve that to my child who is from my womb, God willing, will go the whole Aragonese kingdom with all its counties and bishoprics and abbeys and with everything pertaining to that kingdom, as king Alfonse ever better held and had it, on that condition, namely, that my lord and husband Raymond, count of Barcelona, should have, hold and possess the whole said kingdom whole and [with full] power under his rule and dominion with all honor pertaining to it for the whole time of his life.  After his death, surely, all the above-named kingdom would go wholly to my said son.  But if my said son should die without legitimate son, the whole said kingdom and aforementioned honor, as the most noble king Alfonse had and held it, I grant and give similarly to my said husband Raymond, count of Barcelona, to do his entire will with it.  If however a daughter should come from my womb, let my said husband, the count, marry her honorably, with honor [fief] and money, as best pleases him, and the whole above-named kingdom would go to my said husband solidly and freely with all its appurtenances to do his entire will without interference from any man or woman.

And I give for my soul two thousand maravedis*; one thousand to the churches of Aragon and one thousand to the churches of the county of Barcelona, Girona, Besalú, and Vic.  And I appoint my executors, namely William, bishop of Barcelona, and Berengar, bishop of Girona, and Bernard, bishop of Saragossa, and also Dodon, bishop of Osona, and Garcia Ortiz and Ferriz of Huesca and William of Castellvell, and Arnau of Llers, who may divide and distribute said maravedis through those churches, as will seem best and most useful.  Which named maravedis my husband Raymond, said count, will give to my said executors. 

This charter was made on the 2nd nones of April in the year 1152 of the Lord’s incarnation.  Si+gn of Peronella, queen of Aragon, I who made this gift, and signed it, and approve and confirm the whole in life and in death, and ordered it signed by witnesses.  Si+gn of William, bishop of Barcelona.  + Si+gn of Lope Ennec of Luna.  Si+gn of William of Castellvell. Si+gn of Bernard of Bell-lloc. Si+gn of Peter Arnau.  Si+gn of Bernard Marcuci.  Si+gn of Peter, dean (primicherii).  Si+gn of Robert, archdeacon of Pamplona.  Si+gn of abbot Oliba.  Si+gn of Calvet, prior of Terrassa.  Si+gn of Pons, scribe, who wrote this as asked on the day and year above.

Original letter:

Ad cunctorum noticiam volumus pervenire quoniam ego Peronella, regina Aragonensis, iacens et in partu laborans apud Barchinonam, concedo, dono et firmiter laudo infanti meo qui est ex utero meo, Deo volente, processurus, totum regnum Aragonensem cum omnibus comitatibus et episcopatibus et abbatiis et cum omnibus eidem regno pertinentibus, sicut rex Adefonsus melius unquam tenuit et habuit, ea, videlicet, conditione, ut dominus et maritus meus Raimundus, comes Barchinonensis, habeat, teneat et possideat integriter et potenter sub imperio et dominatioue sua totum predictum regnum cum omni sibi pertinente honore omni tempore vite sue. Post obitum, vero, suum, remaneat totum supradictum regnum integriter filio meo iam dicto. Quod, si filius meus iam dictus obierit absque legitimo filio, totum supradictum regnum et honorem prephatum, sicut habuit et tenuit nobilissimus rex Adefonsus, concedo similiter et dono iam dicto viro meo Raimundo, comiti Barchinonensi, ad omnem suam voluntatem ex inde faciendum. Si autem filia ex utero meo processerit, maritet eam honorifice iam dictus vir meus, comes iamdictus, cum honore et peccunia, sicut melius ei placuerit, et remaneat viro meo prenominato solide et libere totum supradictum regnum cum omnibus sibi pertinentibus ad omnem voluntatem suam perficiendam absque alicuius hominis vel femine blandimento. Et dono pro anima mea II milia morabetinos; mille ad ecclesias Aragonis et mille ad ecclesias Barchinonensis comitatus, Gerundensis, Bisullunensis necnon et Ausonensis. Et pono meos manumissores, videlicet, Guillelmum, Barchinonensem episcopum, et Berengarium, Gerundensem episcopum, ac Bernardum, Cesaraugustanum episcopum, necnon et Dodonem, Oscensem episcopum, et Garciam Ortiz et Ferriz de Oscha et Guillelmum de Castellvell et Arnallum de Lertio, qui dividant et distribuant supradictos morabetinos per ipsas ecclesias, sicut melius et utilius eius fuerit visum. Quos morabetinos prenominatos donet vir meus Raimundus, comes iam dictus, supradictis manumissoribus meis. Facta carta II nonas aprilis anno Dominice incarnationis mclii. Sig+num Peronelle, regine Aragonensis, que hoc donum feci, firmavi et hoc totum laudo atque confirino in vita et in morte, et testibus firmare mandavi. Sig+num Guillelmi, Barchinonensis episcopi. + Sig+num Lup Enegons de Luna. Sig+num Guillelmi de Castellvell. Sig+num Ber- nardi de Bel log. Sig+num Petri Arnalli. Sig+num Bernardi Marcucii. Sig+num Petri, primicherii. Sig+num Rodberti, archidiaconi Pampilonensis. Sig+num abbatis Olive. Sig+num Calveti, prioris Tirasonensis. Sig+num Poncii, scribe, qui hoc rogatus scripsit die et anno quo supra.


Historical context:

The will the queen made in case she died giving birth to her first child, leaving her kingdom of Aragon to the child, if it is a son, but in possession of her husband during his lifetime.

Scholarly notes:

*Maravedis are gold coins originally struck by the Moors and adopted by Christian rulers.

Printed source:

Liber Feudorum Maior, ed. Francisco M. Rosell (Barcelona, 1945), 1.22-23, #16.


1152, April 4