A letter from William of Salverville
William of SalvervilleReceiver
Ediva (Edith) of WinchesterTranslated letter:
I, William of Salverville, granted and gave to lady Ediva of Godstow and her church my land to Clere Prevet by hereditary name to hold and have from me and my heirs, freely and immune from all customs and all things pertaining to my lords and to me and mine, except towards the king. And lady Ediva and her successors in that place will give each year 22 shillings at Morton at two times, 11 s. in the middle of Lent and 11 s. at the feast of St. Michael. And I had my wife Matilda and my son Gilbert and my son Manasser and my son Robert grant this grant and gift. And lady Ediva gave me 5 silver marks for this grant and this gift, and half a mark to my wife Matilda, and 2 s. and 2 silver cubes [cubos] to my son Gilbert, and 18 d. (pennies) to my son Manasser and 18 d. to my son Robert. As witness, Hugo, son of Richard, Henry of Oxford, David marshall, Benedict Apostolico, Robert Salvario, William son of Henry, Edmund son of Osmund, Hugo, cleric, Osmund [and his son Fulc*], and Richard of Wilton, and Walkelin monk and Nicholas monk, Roger son of Hemming, and Godymus scribe.
Original letter:
Ego Willelmus de Salvervilla concessi et dedi domine Edive de Godestowe et ecclesie sue terram meam de Clera Prevet nomine hereditario tenere et habere de me et de meis heredibus, libere et quiete de omnibus consuetudinibus et omnibus rebus ad dominos meos et ad me et meos pertinentibus, preter versus regem. Et domina Ediva et sequaces sue eiusdem loci reddent per singulos annos xx. et ii. s. apud Mortuna' et per duos terminos, in medie quadragesima xi. s. et ad festum sancti Michaelis xi. s. Et istud concessum et donum feci concedere Mathilli uxori mee et Gileberto filio meo et Manasse filio meo et Roberto filio meo. Et domina Ediva dedit michi pro hac concessionem et pro hoc dono v. marcas argenti, et Matilli uxori mee dimidiam marcam, et Gileberto filio meo ii. s. et duos cubos argenteos, et Manasse filio meo .xviii. d. et Roberto filio .xviii. d. Teste Hugone filio Ricardi, Henrico de Oxineford', David marescallo, Benedicto Apostolico, Roberto Salvario, Willelmo filio Henrici, Edmundo filio Osmundi, Hugone clerico, Osmundo [et Fulcone filio eius*], et Ricardo de Wiltona, et Walchelino monacho, et Nicholao mo', Rogero filio Hemmingi, et Godymo scriptore.
Historical context:
William of Salverville and his family grant Ediva and her church the land of Clere Prevet for an annual rent of twenty-two shillings. If Walkelin the monk named here is the Walkelin of Evesham who became abbot of Abingdon in 1159, he may be the son of Ediva misnamed in the verse narrative (see Introduction to Cartulary, xxii).
Scholarly notes:
* This phrase was added in the margin of the document.
Printed source:
I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt (Oxford: Oxford University, 2014), 64-65, #108.