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A letter of donation to Godstow


Matilda of England, empress



Translated letter:

M[atilda] empress, daughter of king H[enry] to the bishop of Lincoln and viscount and barons and all her faithful, franks and anglos, present as well as future of Oxfordshire, greetings.  You should know that I, for love of God and the souls of my father and mother and for my own salvation and that of my children and the status of the kingdom of England, gave and granted to God and the church of St. Mary and blessed John the Baptist in perpetual alms to Godstow 52 pieces [solidatas] and 6 d. (decimas, tithes) of land in Shillingford and 100 pieces of land at Walton which king Stephen gave to that that place.  That this may be held firm and undisturbed in perpetuity, I wished and I want [it] to be decreed by my charter and the privilege of my seal, and I order firmly that the nuns of said place have it well and fully and peacefully freely honorably and quit and that they hold those lands as said in perpetuity.  With these witnesses, Herbert chaplain, count of Gloucester, Milo of Gloucester, and Brian (?Brient) son of the count.  At Devizes.

Original letter:

M. imperatrix H. regis filia episcopo Lincolie et vicecomiti et baronibus et omnibus fidelibus suis francis et anglicis tam presentibus quam futuris de Oxenefordsire salutem.  Sciatis me, pro amore ei et animabus patris et matris mee et pro salute mea propria et liberorum meorum et statu regni Angl’, dedisse et concessisse deo et ecclesie sancte Marie et beati Johannis baptiste in perpetuam elemosinam ad Godestow lii.solidatas et vi.d. terre in Shillingford’, et C. solidatas terre apud Walton’ quas rex Stephanus eidem loco dedit.  Quod ut ratum et inconcussum teneatur imperpetuum, carta me et sigilli mei privilegio sanctitum esse volui et volo, et firmiter precipio quod bene et planarie et pacifice libere honorifice et quiete supradicti loci monache habeant et teneant terras illas sicut dictum est inperpetuum.  Hiis testibus Herberto capellano Gloec’ comit’, Milone de Gloec’, et Brientio filio comitis.  Apud Divisas.


Historical context:

The empress makes a grant of land to the church of Godstow abbey for the souls of her parents and children.

Printed source:

I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt (Oxford:  Oxford University, 2014), 300-01, #644.  
