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A letter of donation


Agnes, daughter of Payn fitzJohn



Translated letter:

Let it be known to all the faithful, present and future, that I, Agnes daughter of Payn fitzJohn, gave and granted to God and the church of St. Mary and St. John the Baptist of Godstow and the nuns serving God there, particularly for the maintenance of sick nuns in the infirmary, for the salvation of the soul of the lord king Henry and his children and his grandfather king Henry and for the salvation of my soul and of my ancestors and descendants, my church of Dinton in perpetual alms, free and quit of all secular service and charges, with all its appurtenances in tithes and payments in lands, in meadows, in pastures. I also granted to said nuns, if it pleased God and the abbess of the church of Godstow and the whole convent that a religious house of its profession be established in said Dinton. With these witnesses, Thomas priest of Godstow, Walter priest of St. Giles, Stephen priest, William priest, Robert priest of Dinton, Maurice deacon, Hubert of Montchesney, William clerk of Montchesney, Peter knight of Bradeker, master Robert his son, Richard knight, son of that same Peter, Alexander of Roinges of Franchevile, William of Bois, Osbert clerk of Bledlow, Luke clerk of Stanes. 

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus fidelibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego Agnes filia Pagani filii Johannis dedi et concessi deo et ecclesie sancte Marie et sancti Johannis baptiste de Godestowe et sanctimonialibus ibidem deo servientibus, maxime ad sustentationem infirmarum sanctimonialium de infirmitorio, pro salute anime domini regis Henrici et filiorum suorum et avi sui Henrici regis et pro salute anime mee et predecessorum et successorum meorum, ecclesiam meam de Donentona in perpetuam elemosinam, liberam et quietam ab omni seculari servitio et exactione, cum omnibus pertinentibus suis in decimis et oblationibus in terris in pratis in pasturis. Concessi etiam predictis sanctimonialibus, si placuerit deo et abbatisse ecclesie de Godestowe et universo conventui, ut in predicta Donen' domus religionis sue professionis constituatur. Hiis testibus Thoma sacerdote de Godestowe, Waltero sacerdote de Sancto Egidio, Stephano sacerdote, Willelmo sacerdote, Roberto sacerdote de Donent', Mauritio diacono, Huberto de Mont'chau'si, Willelmo clerico de Mont'chau', Petro milite de Bradechere, magistro Roberto filio eius, Ricardo milite filio eiusdem Petri, Alexandro de Roenges de Francheville, Willelmo del Bois, Osberto clerico de Bledelaue, Luca clerico de Stanes.

Historical context:

Agnes grants Dinton church, Buckinghamshire, to Godstow for the maintenance of sick nuns, with permission to establish a church of religion there if the abbess and nuns wish it. 

Printed source:

I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt, (Oxford:  Oxford University, 2014),  75, #131.


1150-89, probably after 1185