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A letter of donation


Agnes, daughter of Payn fitzJohn



Translated letter:

Let it be known to all present and future that I, Agnes daughter of Payn fitzJohn gave and granted the church of Dinton with all its appurtenances to the infirmary of Godstow to maintain sick nuns in perpetual alms, free and quit of all earthly (secular) service, on such condition that clerk Bartholomew, brother of clerk John hold said church in perpetual vicarage, namely in meadows in pastures and in lands, in tithes and payments and in everything pertaining to that church, rendering annually to said nuns 10 silver marks in 4 terms:  at Christmas 2 marks and a half, at Easter 2 marks and a half, at the feast of the apostles Peter and Paul 2 marks and a half, at the feast of St. Michael 2 marks and a half. Truly the  aforenamed Bartholomew swore and confirmed before honest men in faith that the sons and daughters of his brother clerk John according to their ability as the thing might suffice will be compelled after the death of said Bartholomew that the aforenamed church would remain altogether quit to said nuns. And there if the abbess and the convent of the church of Godstow wished, they might make an abbacy (another house) and nuns would live in it if they judge that it would be useful to the whole convent. With these witnesses, Thomas chaplain, Robert priest, Vincent of Bradenham, Osbert clerk of Bledlow, Peter clerk of Dinton, John his nephew, Peter of Bradeker, Richard his son, Alexandre of Roinges, William of Frankeville, William of Bosco/Bois, William Franc, Reginald provost, and many others.

Original letter:

Notum sit omnibus tam presentibus quam futuris quod ego Agnes filia Pagani filii Johannis dedi et concessi ecclesiam de Donentona cum omnibus pertinentiis suis infirmerie de Godestowe ad sustenendum infirmas moniales inperpetuam elemosinam, liberam et quietam ab omni terreno servitio, tali conditione quod Bartholomeus clericus frater Johannis clerici predictam ecclesiam teneat in perpetuam vicariam, scilicet in pratis in pasturis et in terris, in decimis et oblationibus et in omnibus eidem ecclesie pertinentibus, reddendo annuatim predictis monialibus x. marcas argenti iiii. terminis, ad natale ii. marcas et dimidiam, ad pasca ii. marcas et dimidiam, ad festum apostolorum Petri et Pauli ii. marcas et dimidiam, ad festum sancti Michaelis ii. marcas et dimidiam. Prenominatus vero Bartholomeus juravit et coram viris honestis fide confirmavit quod filiis et filiabus Johannis clerici fratris sui secundum posse suum prout res poterit sufficere inveniet necessario post dicessum vero Bartholomei prenominati prenominata ecclesia predictis monialibus omnino quieta remanent. Et ibi si abbatissa voluerit et conventus ecclesie de Godestowe abbatiam faciant et moniales in eadem habitant si judicant quod utilitas sit hoc totius conventus. Hiis testibus Thoma capellano, Roberto presbytero, Vincentio de Bradeham, Osberto clerico de Bledelowe, Petro clerico de Donenton', Johanne nepote suo, Petro de Bradekire, Ricardo eius filio, Alexandro de Roinges, Willelmo de Frankevilla, Willelmo de Bosco, Willelmo Franco, Reginaldo preposito, et multis aliis.


Historical context:

Agnes donates Dinton church to the infirmary of Godstow with life interest to Bartholomew clerk, who is to pay  the nuns 10 marks annually while he lives. She also gives permission to establish a cell there. Amt suggests that this was an earlier version of #131, where the same church was given in free alms.

Printed source:

I am grateful to Emilie Amt for this text which is now available in The Latin Cartulary of Godstow Abbey, ed. Emilie Amt, (Oxford:  Oxford University, 2014), 76, #132.


1150-89, probably after 1185